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Spiral-Plasma does not connect to wifi #434

Open antipodes5 opened 1 month ago

antipodes5 commented 1 month ago

Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/SpiralLinux/discussions/433

Originally posted by **antipodes5** May 16, 2024 Pretty much as it says: Spiral-Plasma live does not connect to wifi. Just tried a full installation. Everything went well, it looks great, but the wifi still doesn't work. Process: - click icon to configure wifi - enter password (yes, its check and correct) - wait while it cycles, then - prompt for password again - repeat... in contrast, Spiral-XFCE live usb connects just fine. In fact, I've tried a variety of linux distros recently and everything (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc) connects fine. The wifi is phone hotspot WPA2/WAP3. The PC uses an Intel Corp. Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak] (Centrino Advanced-N 6025 (802.11a/b/g/n)).
geckolinux commented 1 month ago

Hi there, are you using one of the recommended methods to write the live USB? https://github.com/SpiralLinux/SpiralLinux-project/wiki#how-to-create-a-bootable-spirallinux-usb-stick

Could you please test this live ISO from the Debian Live project to confirm if it has the same issue? https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-kde.iso

If that one does work then please try creating the SpiralLinux USB again using a recommended method, and if it fails to connect please immediately open a terminal and run sudo dmesg and post the last 10 lines or so of the output.

antipodes5 commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late reply.

sorry again - I have to put aside my distro hopping for now, I need my machines in production.

However... I can't resist, so I will try that Debian-kde live iso and try to report back in ~24h.

I can tell you I used dd for the creation, like so many other times before with other distros (including your XFCE version). There really was nnothing remarkable in making the live usb.

antipodes5 commented 1 month ago

For the record/clarity, the dd command I use is:

sudo dd if=SpiralLinux_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M conv=sync status=progress
antipodes5 commented 1 month ago


  • Downloaded the .iso, checked against checksum and signature files = good.
  • dd command to make live usb
  • boot from usb
  • -> 'connect' on wifi widgwt
  • enter password
  • system throws up dialog box for "KDE wallet service" wizard -> cancel
  • fails to connect, prompts for wifi password again.


  • click 'connect' for wifi again
  • in KDE Wallet Service wizard, choose gpg option -> complaining about no gpg keys exist. I don't make any, cancel.
  • this time in wizard choose blowfish option -> make password -> accepted
  • wifi connection still fails, get prompt for password again.

After all that,

  • tried again just on connecting to the wifi (again, launching it from the widget)
  • Wallet wizard did not appear.
  • fail
  • dmesg:
    user@debian:~$ sudo dmesg | tail -n 10
    [ 1236.238664] wlp3s0: associated
    [ 1236.306547] wlp3s0: deauthenticating from 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f by local choice (Reason: 1=UNSPECIFIED)
    [ 1249.894921] wlp3s0: authenticate with 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f
    [ 1249.898400] wlp3s0: send auth to 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f (try 1/3)
    [ 1249.938656] wlp3s0: authenticated
    [ 1249.939060] wlp3s0: waiting for beacon from 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f
    [ 1250.041941] wlp3s0: associate with 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f (try 1/3)
    [ 1250.043349] wlp3s0: RX AssocResp from 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f (capab=0x11 status=0 aid=2)
    [ 1250.063280] wlp3s0: associated
    [ 1250.118402] wlp3s0: deauthenticating from 26:06:e5:06:f5:6f by local choice (Reason: 1=UNSPECIFIED)

This is a Lenovo x230, with a fairly typical network hardware (Intel Centrino Advanced-N [Taylor Peak] 6025). Flavours of Fedora, Ubuntu - any non-KDE distro - seems to have no problem, so I am a little surprised.

antipodes5 commented 1 month ago

I looked to report it to KDE, but they don't seem to have an issues page, only a Matrix room. I'm not signed up for that and don't have time to do so now.

Good luck!