Describe your changes here to communicate the purpose of the pull request.
Types of Changes
What types of changes does your code introduce?
Put an x in the boxes that apply
[] New Project
[x] Enhancement
[] Refactor
[] Bug Fix
Put an x in the boxes that apply. You can also fill these out after creating the PR. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask @cwhitty. We're here to help! This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your code.
[x] Project name conforms to the naming convention described here
[x] Project name is unique within the repository
[x] Project exists in the appropriate directory based on its category and class, e.g. Libraries/DUTs/Community
[x] Project can be imported into an iTest workspace without displaying problems or errors
[x] Project contains a file called documentation/readme.txt with metadata necessary for the catalog. The readme.txt file must contain these 4 lines at the top of the file:
Project: Name of project
Description: 80 or so characters describing the contents of the project
Category: ("library" | "automation" | "framework")
Class: ("Community" | "Tested by Spirent" | "Reference").
Other info like user instructions, a description of the intended use case, etc. can be added to the readme.txt after the 4 required lines. Note: A file will be automatically generated including everything in the readme.txt file and a list of files, QuickCalls, and procedures with info from iTest's documentation fields. Do not create a file, it will be overwritten. For the best possible documentation, fill out the description fields in each test case, procedure and QuickCall.
Proposed Changes
Describe your changes here to communicate the purpose of the pull request.
Types of Changes
What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an
in the boxes that applyChecklist
Put an
in the boxes that apply. You can also fill these out after creating the PR. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask @cwhitty. We're here to help! This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your code.[x] Project contains a file called documentation/readme.txt with metadata necessary for the catalog. The readme.txt file must contain these 4 lines at the top of the file:
Project: Name of project
Description: 80 or so characters describing the contents of the project
Category: ("library" | "automation" | "framework")
Class: ("Community" | "Tested by Spirent" | "Reference").
Other info like user instructions, a description of the intended use case, etc. can be added to the readme.txt after the 4 required lines.
Note: A file will be automatically generated including everything in the readme.txt file and a list of files, QuickCalls, and procedures with info from iTest's documentation fields. Do not create a file, it will be overwritten. For the best possible documentation, fill out the description fields in each test case, procedure and QuickCall.