SpiritBaker / Difficulty-and-AI

EU4 mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2453967654
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Updating Asia and Hordes #23

Open SpiritBaker opened 3 years ago

SpiritBaker commented 3 years ago

To outline the problem:

So what exactly I'm planning to do. - Redraw starting diplomacy, mainly Oirat / Mongol and Chagatai / Yarkand vassal relationship. Possibly even making Oirat and Mongol tributaries under the Ming at a start of the game. My rational behind it, is to give them safe breathing room to fight each other and expand. Instead of fighting oneseded wars with domineering Ming at start of the game. It also justified historically as this vassal relationships not lasted even 10 years or were tributary like in nature.


SpiritBaker commented 3 years ago

So Far I tested starting diplomacy changes. By starting as Ming tributaries hordes are doing much better. I also changed generic Mongol Mission tree, and added special Oirat missions. Some of them are still wip. image

SpiritBaker commented 3 years ago

Found another historic tag Moghulistan / Moghul Khanate. Can be a formable, and a source for small mission tree for Chagatai, Yarkand. at the moment there is none, everything is generic.

Was a Mongol breakaway khanate of the Chagatai Khanate The khanate nominally ruled over the area from the mid-14th century until the late 17th century


SpiritBaker commented 3 years ago

The main badboy, aka Prussia of the steppes. The main adversary of Qing in 16-17 century. Very militaristic and aggressive Khanete, that managed to modernize to great degree. Relatively unknown because they ultimately lost, and ~80% of the population perished in genocide that followed with Qing occupation.

I changed the tag color and made separate unique ideas and made them formable. Just loaded the game on 17th century bookmark.
