SpiritSeal / WindowsAccenter

A Windows Program to make accenting characters simple, without having to manage multiple keyboard layouts.
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WindowsAccenter e Accenter #1

Open genuce opened 5 months ago

genuce commented 5 months ago

WindowsAccenter è molto scomodo da usare. Oso consigliervi caldamente di mettervi d'accordo con Will Dudziak, https://www.dudziak.com/, https://www.dudziak.com/accenter.php, https://www.dudziak.com/contact.php (in questa sua pagina Web ho pescato il suo indirizzo e-mail) per portare avanti e promuovere il suo Accenter (molto ingiustamente ignorato dai motori di ricerca) estremamente valido e agevole da usare e creare eventualmente una versione anche per Linux (da prendere in considerazione soprattutto Ubuntu e tutte le distro derivate, LINUX MINT compreso, che insieme costituiscono la "famiglia" Linux di gran lunga più popolare).

Google English translation: WindowsAccenter is very inconvenient to use. I dare to strongly advise you to come to an agreement with Will Dudziak, https://www.dudziak.com/, https://www.dudziak.com/accenter.php, https://www.dudziak.com/contact.php (on this web page I found his e-mail address) to carry forward and promote his Acccenter (very unfairly ignored by search engines) which is extremely valid and easy to use and possibly create a version for Linux too (to be taken into especially considering Ubuntu and all its derivative distros, including LINUX MINT, which together constitute by far the most popular Linux "family").

SpiritSeal commented 5 months ago

Hi @genuce, thank you for reaching out regarding this.

Unfortunately, WindowsAccenter is meant to be just that-- a lightweight and simple accent hotstring script for Windows operating systems. AutoHotkey, the programming language I used to write this scriptlet, interfaces only with the Windows API.

Although I built this to help me type Spanish for an online class, if you have a need for it, I wouldn't mind creating a version that adds support for all of the accented characters used in Italian.

If you are looking for something similar that can run on Linux systems, you may wish to take a look at tools like AutoKey, but your millage may vary depending on what distro and compositor you are using.

Best of luck with your search in any case!