SpiritWolfie / Social-Engine-Addons

This is for bugs and feature/enhancement requests for Social engine addons, a plugin creator for Social Engine platform
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Responsive Captivate Theme - boxes moving around when in use #6

Open SpiritWolfie opened 7 years ago

SpiritWolfie commented 7 years ago

When using the Mobile version of this plugin and attempting to send a PM the box keeps moving around, the box is not static for mobile users and this creates frustration and hassle, this is easily reproduced.

Allot of boxes with the different plugins also keep moving around on mobile when trying to tap type in them and such.

socialengineaddons commented 7 years ago

Hi Spirit,

We tried to check the above issue by accessing your website in a mobile device and trying to send a message using the 'Message' option in the mini menu but, we were unable to reproduce what has been stated by you above "the box keeps moving around, the box is not static for mobile users".

We also tried to check the Chat button in the footer but, this was also working fine.

It will be great if you could send us a video showing this issue so that we may debug this accordingly.

Thanks & Regards,

Ritu SocialEngineAddOns

SpiritWolfie commented 7 years ago

Ya I can get a video recording of this, its fairly straight forward to get this to reproduce though (everyone on my website can reproduce this)

Give me a bit also please don't use my real name outside of Email please?

socialengineaddons commented 7 years ago
