Splamy / TS3AudioBot

Advanced Musicbot for Teamspeak 3
Open Software License 3.0
691 stars 140 forks source link

YouTube-DL seems to not work - Possible duplicate? #107

Closed Synergyst closed 7 years ago

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

Fresh start, moved to channel, private messaged: !play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs

Console output:

root@pentium:/media/ZFS-Pools/HGST-3TB-Mirror/Audio-Bots/TS3AudioBot/bin/Release# mono TS3AudioBot.exe
[20:47:56]   Info: [============ TS3AudioBot started =============]
[20:47:56]   Info: [=== Date/Time: Sunday, August 20, 2017 8:47:56 PM
[20:47:56]   Info: [=== Version: 0.5.1/master/f9631a01
[20:47:56]   Info: [==============================================]
[20:47:56]   Info: [============ Initializing Commands ===========]
[20:47:56]   Info: [============ Initializing Modules ============]
[20:47:56]   Info: [=========== Initializing Factories ===========]
[20:47:56]   Info: [=========== Registering callbacks ============]
[20:47:56]   Info: [================= Finalizing =================]
[20:47:57]   Info: [==================== Done ====================]
[20:48:09]  Debug: MB Got message from <Removed for GitHub issue post>: !play [URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<Removed for GitHub issue post>[/URL]
[20:48:09]  Debug: SM User Pawkow created session with the bot
[20:48:09]Warning: TH Web error: [403] Forbidden
[20:48:09]  Debug: YT Ruined!
[20:48:12]  Debug: YT Saved!
[20:48:12]  Debug: PM ar start: Youtube ID:<Removed for GitHub issue post>
[20:48:12]  Error: MB Unexpected command error: MSG: Specified cast is not valid.
STACK:  at (wrapper castclass) System.Object:__castclass_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr)
  at LiteDB.PageService.GetPage[T] (System.UInt32 pageID) [0x00056] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.PageService.GetFreePage[T] (System.UInt32 startPageID, System.Int32 size) [0x00004] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.DataService.Insert (LiteDB.CollectionPage col, System.Byte[] data) [0x0000d] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteEngine.InsertDocument (LiteDB.CollectionPage col, LiteDB.BsonDocument doc) [0x0007a] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteEngine+<>c__DisplayClass61_0.<Insert>b__0 (LiteDB.CollectionPage col) [0x00017] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteEngine.Transaction[T] (System.String collection, System.Boolean addIfNotExists, System.Func`2[T,TResult] action) [0x0000f] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <a3c4aef09b90421281b772cc05a43e75>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.FunctionCommand.ExecuteFunction (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00020] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.FunctionCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00145] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.BotCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x0002c] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.CommandGroup.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x000bd] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.RootCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00062] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.AppliedCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00013] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.XCommandSystem.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.String command, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00018] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.XCommandSystem.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.String command) [0x00000] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.MainBot.TextCallback (System.Object sender, TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage textMessage) [0x001c8] in <b85d892caaef4136823531a944000a7d>:0

Error call Stack:
Void TextCallback(System.Object, TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage)@0
Void ExtendedTextMessage(System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage])@0
Void InvokeEvent(TS3Client.LazyNotification)@0
Void DispatchLoop()@0
Void ThreadStart_Context(System.Object)@0
Void RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)@0
Void Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)@0
Void Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)@0
Void ThreadStart()@0 T:TS3Query MessageLoop
[20:48:12]Warning: SongStoppedHook could not play Next: No next song could be played

configTS3AudioBot.cfg contents:

# The default volume a song should start with
# The maximum volume a normal user can request
# How the bot should play music. Options are: whisper, voice, (!...)
# The address of the TeamSpeak3 server
QueryConnection::Host=<Removed for GitHub issue post>
# The port of the TeamSpeak3 server
# | DO NOT MAKE THIS KEY PUBLIC | The client identity
QueryConnection::Identity=<Removed for GitHub issue post>
# The client identity security offset
# The client identity security level which should be reached.
# The server password. Leave empty for none.
# Set this to true, if the server password is hashed.
# Enable this to automatically hash and store unhashed passwords.
# (Be careful since this will overwrite the 'ServerPassword' field with the hashed value once computed)
# The path to ffmpeg
# Specifies the bitrate (in kbps) for sending audio.
# Values between 8 and 98 are supported, more or less can work but without guarantees.
# Reference values: 32 - ok (~5KiB/s), 48 - good (~7KiB/s), 64 - very good (~9KiB/s), 92 - superb (~13KiB/s)
# Version for the client in the form of <version build>|<plattform>|<version sign>
# Leave empty for default.
# Default Nickname when connecting
QueryConnection::DefaultNickname=<Removed for GitHub issue post>
# Allows to enable or disable history features completely to save resources.
# The Path to the history database file
# Whether or not deleted history ids should be filled up with new songs
# The path to the pugins
# Path the playlist folder
# A youtube apiv3 'Browser' type key
YoutubeFactory::ApiKey=<Removed for GitHub issue post>
# Path to the youtube-dl binary or local git repository
# A space seperated list of all urls the web api should be possible to be accessed with
# The port for the api server
# If you want to start the web api server.
# If you want to start the webinterface server
# Path to the config file
# Path to the logfile
# Teamspeak group id giving the Bot enough power to do his job
# Generate fancy status images as avatar

I expect this to work normally and use my YouTube-DL binary path I specified. There is a cron job setup to check for YouTube-DL updates every 15 minutes; YouTube-DL IS up to date. I compiled FFMPEG from source with all of the modules, it works, I use it very often.

Perhaps I'm missing something in TS3AudioBot?

Kind regards

Flakebi commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the extensive bug report!

YouTube-dl is working (indicated by YT Saved!). The problem afterwards seems to be LiteDB, which is used to save the history. For some reasons there sometimes occurs an InvalidCastException (see also #42 and #74) in LiteDB. As far as I know there is no known fix for this (though I heard @Splamy thinks about moving to another database system, random crashes are not really good).

Maybe you can get a working bot by moving your history file (so a new one gets created), but I'm not sure if the database plays a role in this error.

Splamy commented 7 years ago

Yes, as @Flakebi stated this is a problem of the database we are using. If you dont care about the song history you can delelte the history.db file. I will probably move to a new database system soon (or see if the author releases a fix).

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

Hello, I deleted all of the *.db files.

I received this error:

root@pentium:/media/ZFS-Pools/HGST-3TB-Mirror/Audio-Bots/TS3AudioBot-Source/TS3AudioBot/bin/Release# mono TS3AudioBot.exe
[14:17:33]   Info: [============ TS3AudioBot started =============]
[14:17:33]   Info: [=== Date/Time: Monday, August 21, 2017 2:17:33 PM
[14:17:33]   Info: [=== Version: 0.5.1/master/f9631a01
[14:17:33]   Info: [==============================================]
[14:17:33]   Info: [============ Initializing Commands ===========]
[14:17:33]   Info: [============ Initializing Modules ============]
[14:17:33]   Info: [=========== Initializing Factories ===========]
[14:17:33]   Info: [=========== Registering callbacks ============]
[14:17:33]   Info: [================= Finalizing =================]
[14:17:33]   Info: [==================== Done ====================]
[14:17:39]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !play [URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs[/URL]
[14:17:39]  Debug: SM User Pawkow created session with the bot
[14:17:39]Warning: TH Web error: [403] Forbidden
[14:17:39]  Debug: YT Ruined!
[14:17:43]  Debug: YT Saved!
[14:17:43]  Debug: PM ar start: Youtube ID:AjPau5QYtYs
[14:17:43]  Error: MB Unexpected command error: MSG: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
STACK:  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x00021] in <a3c4aef09b90421281b772cc05a43e75>:0
  at LiteDB.DataService.GetBlock (LiteDB.PageAddress blockAddress) [0x00016] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.DataService.Read (LiteDB.PageAddress blockAddress) [0x00000] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteEngine+<Find>d__52.MoveNext () [0x0013d] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteCollection`1+<Find>d__17[T].MoveNext () [0x000fc] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0003e] in <198d428ffe33413aa3c4cb6d388f57b3>:0
  at LiteDB.LiteCollection`1[T].FindOne (System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1[TDelegate] predicate) [0x00018] in <fd3cfe54fa504c7989678d84ffcd090b>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.History.HistoryManager.FindByUniqueId (System.String uniqueId) [0x00084] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.History.HistoryManager.Store (TS3AudioBot.History.HistorySaveData saveData) [0x00026] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.History.HistoryManager.LogAudioResource (TS3AudioBot.History.HistorySaveData saveData) [0x00000] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.MainBot.<InitializeBot>b__69_1 (System.Object s, TS3AudioBot.PlayInfoEventArgs e) [0x0001c] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.EventHandler`1[TS3AudioBot.PlayInfoEventArgs]:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs (object,TS3AudioBot.PlayInfoEventArgs)
  at TS3AudioBot.PlayManager.Play (TS3AudioBot.InvokerData invoker, TS3AudioBot.ResourceFactories.PlayResource play, TS3AudioBot.MetaData meta) [0x00089] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.PlayManager.Play (TS3AudioBot.InvokerData invoker, System.String link, System.Nullable`1[T] type, TS3AudioBot.MetaData meta) [0x00037] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.MainBot.CommandPlay (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.String parameter) [0x00021] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00038] in <a3c4aef09b90421281b772cc05a43e75>:0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <a3c4aef09b90421281b772cc05a43e75>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.FunctionCommand.ExecuteFunction (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00020] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.FunctionCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00145] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.BotCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x0002c] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.CommandGroup.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x000bd] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.RootCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00062] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.AppliedCommand.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] arguments, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00013] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.XCommandSystem.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.String command, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] returnTypes) [0x00018] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.XCommandSystem.Execute (TS3AudioBot.CommandSystem.ExecutionInformation info, System.String command) [0x00000] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0
  at TS3AudioBot.MainBot.TextCallback (System.Object sender, TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage textMessage) [0x001c8] in <67926bd564e64aa68365afd37223cfab>:0

Error call Stack:
Void TextCallback(System.Object, TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage)@0
Void ExtendedTextMessage(System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TS3Client.Messages.TextMessage])@0
Void InvokeEvent(TS3Client.LazyNotification)@0
Void DispatchLoop()@0
Void ThreadStart_Context(System.Object)@0
Void RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)@0
Void Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)@0
Void Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)@0
Void ThreadStart()@0 T:TS3Query MessageLoop
[14:17:43]Warning: SongStoppedHook could not play Next: No next song could be played
Splamy commented 7 years ago

My only idea is try again and if everything fails, disable the history in the settings by setting HistoryManager::EnableHistory to false

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

Okay. I have disabled that inside of my configuration file and now I am receiving this output:

root@pentium:/media/ZFS-Pools/HGST-3TB-Mirror/Audio-Bots/TS3AudioBot-Source/TS3AudioBot/bin/Release# mono TS3AudioBot.exe
[17:08:05]   Info: [============ TS3AudioBot started =============]
[17:08:05]   Info: [=== Date/Time: Monday, August 21, 2017 5:08:05 PM
[17:08:05]   Info: [=== Version: 0.5.1/master/f9631a01
[17:08:05]   Info: [==============================================]
[17:08:05]   Info: [============ Initializing Commands ===========]
[17:08:05]   Info: [============ Initializing Modules ============]
[17:08:05]   Info: [=========== Initializing Factories ===========]
[17:08:05]   Info: [=========== Registering callbacks ============]
[17:08:05]   Info: [================= Finalizing =================]
[17:08:05]   Info: [==================== Done ====================]
[17:08:10]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !play [URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs[/URL]
[17:08:10]  Debug: SM User Pawkow created session with the bot
[17:08:10]Warning: TH Web error: [403] Forbidden
[17:08:10]  Debug: YT Ruined!
[17:08:13]  Debug: YT Saved!
[17:08:13]  Debug: PM ar start: Youtube ID:AjPau5QYtYs
[17:08:13]Warning: SongStoppedHook could not play Next: No next song could be played

No sound is playing, regardless of how long I wait for it to download(if it even is..)

It's random whether or not it will choose to actually play a URL I feed it. However almost always it has the result given above..

Splamy commented 7 years ago

The bot doesnt download song, it streams everything, though this seems very strange. Have you set the bot up with the !bot setup like in the tutorial? Can you try to go into the same channel as the bot and try !channel on

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

I have given the bot sufficient permissions to use !bot setup and I was given this output:

root@pentium:/media/ZFS-Pools/HGST-3TB-Mirror/Audio-Bots/TS3AudioBot-Source/TS3AudioBot/bin/Release# mono TS3AudioBot.exe
[18:06:17]   Info: [============ TS3AudioBot started =============]
[18:06:17]   Info: [=== Date/Time: Monday, August 21, 2017 6:06:17 PM
[18:06:17]   Info: [=== Version: 0.5.1/master/f9631a01
[18:06:17]   Info: [==============================================]
[18:06:17]   Info: [============ Initializing Commands ===========]
[18:06:17]   Info: [============ Initializing Modules ============]
[18:06:17]   Info: [=========== Initializing Factories ===========]
[18:06:17]   Info: [=========== Registering callbacks ============]
[18:06:17]   Info: [================= Finalizing =================]
[18:06:18]   Info: [==================== Done ====================]
[18:06:22]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !bot setup
[18:06:22]  Debug: SM User Pawkow created session with the bot
[18:06:41]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !play [URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs[/URL]
[18:06:42]Warning: TH Web error: [403] Forbidden
[18:06:42]  Debug: YT Ruined!
[18:06:44]  Debug: YT Saved!
[18:06:44]  Debug: PM ar start: Youtube ID:AjPau5QYtYs
[18:06:44]Warning: SongStoppedHook could not play Next: No next song could be played
[18:06:52]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !channel on
[18:06:54]  Debug: MB Got message from Pawkow: !play [URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs[/URL]
[18:06:55]Warning: TH Web error: [403] Forbidden
[18:06:55]  Debug: YT Ruined!
[18:06:57]  Debug: YT Saved!
[18:06:57]  Debug: PM ar start: Youtube ID:AjPau5QYtYs
[18:06:58]Warning: SongStoppedHook could not play Next: No next song could be played
Splamy commented 7 years ago

Have you tried other stuff like mp3 or soundcloud links?

Do you mind pm'ing me your server address so I can connect with my own bot instance and try around to see if it's the servers fault or the bot ones. If you want to allow me to try around with your bot instance you can add my ts3 uid to the rights.toml admin group: uA0U7t4PBxdJ5TLnarsOHQh4/tY= In case you can send me the the server address the earliest I could come would be tomorrow since it's late here and I'm a bit tired

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

I have sent an email containing the details for the server.

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

Are you still available to test the bot settings on my server?

Splamy commented 7 years ago

Yeah, had a long day, I'm here now

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

UPDATE: I've been able to get this problem resolved by compiling the latest developer branch!

I can also confirm this is working on the Raspberry Pi 3 perfectly using some tweaks to the source code due to latency issues. ^^

I am going to mark this as solved since I am expecting the developer branch edits to be merged into the master branch.

Splamy commented 7 years ago

already got merged bout an hour ago :)

btw, what do you mean with latency issues?

Synergyst commented 7 years ago

The Raspberry Pi 3 is based on the armv7l architecture, which is not a compatible option to compile the TS3AudioBot with using msbuild.

I was able to get the TS3AudioBot working perfectly on the Raspberry Pi 3 by adjusting the timeout periods in the source code for overhead compensation when using QEMU for emulation of the i686 architecture(which is needed to run the Intel-80386 executable that the TS3AudioBot.exe is compiled out to be).

Perhaps the latency issue on the Raspberry Pi 3 can be mitigated by adding more CPU compiler options for msbuild to choose from to compile with for native performance?

This is a non-issue on my dual-CPU Intel Xeon E5-2670 server, obviously.

Splamy commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I will change the packet timeout algorithm soon anyway since it's stupid. It will have an average + standard deviation (similar as TCP does it)

Flakebi commented 7 years ago

It is possible to let the TS3AudioBot run "natively" (it's still C# ;) ) on a Raspberry Pi so QEMU doesn't add unnecessary bloat. (Sidenote: I'm using arch on the Raspberry Pi 3. On raspbian, getting mono is probably a bit more difficult.)

The only changes I made is replacing all occurences of x86 in TS3AudioBot/TS3AudioBot.csproj by AnyCPU: sed -i 's/x86/AnyCPU/g' TS3AudioBot/TS3AudioBot.csproj Then compile it: xbuild /p:Configuration=Release TS3AudioBot/TS3AudioBot.csproj And use it as normal.

LibGit2Sharp will fail to load the library and I didn't get that working, but it's ok as long as xbuild reports only warnings and no errors.