Splidejs / splide

Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors.
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Import with typescript highlights error #1179

Open FuuKowatty opened 1 year ago

FuuKowatty commented 1 year ago





Slider works but in report I receives an error

Could not find a declaration file for module '@splidejs/react-splide'. 'path-to-lib' implicitly has an 'any' type. There are types at 'path-to-lib-index.d-ts', but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The '@splidejs/react-splide' library may need to update its package.json or typings.ts(7016) Could not find a declaration file for module '@splidejs/react-splide'. 'path-to-lib/react-splide.esm.js' implicitly has an 'any' type. There are types at 'path-to-lib/dist/types/index.d.ts', but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The '@splidejs/react-splide' library may need to update its package.json or typings.ts(7016)

Reproduction Link

No response

Steps to Reproduce

Im just importing import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide'

Expected Behaviour

Error highlight should not be displayed

MattChowski commented 1 year ago

Really? No answer to this? Been having this issue for weeks now..

FuuKowatty commented 1 year ago

@MattChowski I found out you could try npm install @types/[lib name] but splidejs does not have their types so you have to overwrite type if you do not wanna see error just create in source folder splidejs.d.ts and put something like this

declare module '@splidejs/react-splide';

declare module 'module-name' { export function myFunction(): string; }

MattChowski commented 1 year ago

@FuuKowatty Thanks for this! I actually threw away the react components and used a standard way:

` const ImageCarousel = ({ imagesUrls }: ImageCarouselProps) => { const { selectedItem } = useListContext(); const splideRef = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
  let splide: Splide;
  if (splideRef.current) {
    splide = new Splide(splideRef.current, {
      rewind: true,
      pagination: false,
      keyboard: true,

  return () => {
}, [selectedItem]);

return (
  <div className="w-full">
      aria-label="Splide Basic HTML Example"
      <div className="splide__track">
        <ul className="splide__list">
          {imagesUrls.map((imageUrl) => (
            <li className="splide__slide" key={imageUrl}>
                alt="Asset Photography"
                className="h-[170px] w-full object-cover "

}; `

eliaby-teixeira-koin commented 1 year ago

I also have the same problem :/

fabiofreitasbr commented 1 year ago

Insert the comment below one line before of command to ignore the Typescript in importation

// @ts-ignore
import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide';

and use any with const

const splideOptions: any = {
        perPage: 3,
        type: 'loop',
        drag: 'free',
        snap: true,
        gap: '1rem',
        focus: 'center',
        pagination: false,
        breakpoints: {
            640: { perPage: 1.2, },
            960: { perPage: 2.2, },
            1200: { perPage: 3, },

after call const splideOptions... <Splide options={splideOptions}>

tresorama commented 1 year ago

Typescript ignores "package.json > types" if also "package.json > exports" is defined. We need to wait for an update from dev.


Meanwhile, To get types working you can modify the package.json in node_modules, meaning that if you reinstall/update the package you need to re-do that.

To avoid doing it manually every time, you can persist the change with patch-package (here a guide)

// in node_modules/@splidejs/react-splide/package.json

  // ...omitted
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts", // ADD THIS LINE !!!!!
      "require": "./dist/js/react-splide.cjs.js",
      "import": "./dist/js/react-splide.esm.js",
      "default": "./dist/js/react-splide.esm.js"
    "./css": "./dist/css/splide.min.css",
    "./css/core": "./dist/css/splide-core.min.css",
    "./css/*": "./dist/css/themes/splide-*.min.css"
JheanAntunes commented 9 months ago

Typescript giving error when importing { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide', I found the solution for development mode in this edition in the @tresorama comment commented on September 11th However, when building in vercel the error appears again from imports of the splitter that do not find the module declaration. The solution is to transform the files into jsx, you can use it this way

explaining: code

By default in NextJs, components are rendered on the server side, but if the component needs to be rendered on the client, you can use the "use client" directive at the top (above import, export, etc.)! browser features, APIs, events. Shortcut: You create a constant that will receive the lib component (function) and adding the "use client" directive in that file will tell nextjs that these components are rendered on the client. If you didn't know this shortcut you would probably do it like this // note: as this file is jsx so the import error doesn't happen, tsx {children}:React.PropsWithChildren

export const SpliderClientComponent = ({children}) => { {children} }

Basic example:

Client-side shortcut + jsx to avoid import errors when building the project.


lol, on line 4 the name of the constant is splider The only file that will be jsx is the one above, the rest you use tsx importing these components.


Error: Does not import anything from the spider module, interface, components

Example with auto-scroll



KingMatrix1989 commented 7 months ago

My temporary solution for using Options in my Nextjs project

// global.d.ts
declare module "@splidejs/react-splide" {
  export { Options } from "@splidejs/splide";
  export { Splide, SplideSlide } from "@splidejs/react-splide";
nezhachen commented 5 months ago

My temporary solution for using Options in my Nextjs project

// global.d.ts
declare module "@splidejs/react-splide" {
  export { Options } from "@splidejs/splide";
  export { Splide, SplideSlide } from "@splidejs/react-splide";

Thanks very much