Spomky-Labs / pwa-bundle

PHP library for generating a full featured PWA manifest
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subdomain support: dynamic manifest #173

Closed tacman closed 3 weeks ago

tacman commented 1 month ago


I'm working on a project where I'd like separate PWAs for each project, which are set by subdomain. Each project will have its own logo, shortname, etc.

It is possible to make the manifest a template?


    image_processor: 'pwa.image_processor.imagick'
        enabled: true
        background_color: "#c026d3"
        theme_color: "#c026d3"
        name: '{{ project.name }}'
        short_name: '{{ project.shortName }}'
        description: '{{ project.description }}'
        orientation: "any"

Similarly for the icons and screenshots.

Then https://project1.example.com/manifest.json would get the project from the subdomain and populate it accordingly.

tacman commented 1 month ago

In poking around the Manifest.php code, I see that shortName and description go through a translation provider. Perhaps there's some way to configure that to change based not only on the language but on some data from the database.

Is there an example of using the translation provider? I feels hackish, or course, so it's probably not the right solution.

I was thinking of changing the pwa.yaml to pwa.php, but I don't think services like the database are even available that early in the process.

tacman commented 1 month ago


Right now, translations are using the default ('messages') domain. Perhaps that could be configurable. If false, it could even skip the translation (so they didn't show up in the debug toolbar).

But hat won only temporarily solve my problem, because custom Symfony translation providers are created during the cache warmup, I don't think there's a dynamic option. So if a project changed their description or name or whatever, it wouldn't show up in the translations until after the cache were cleared.

tacman commented 1 month ago

Maybe dispatch an event from the ManifestBuilder? Then the developer could do other things as well. That is, pass the manifest key from pwa.yaml and then the EventListener could tweak it based on environment, subdomain, etc.

Perhaps a PreManifestBuildEvent that passes in the array $config, or a PostManifestBuildEvent that passed in the Manifest $manifest object could be a solution. It would require injecting the EventDispatcher into ManifestBuilder. Would you accept a PR for that?

My example use cases is an Museum Audio Tour system, each museum I imagine will want their own "app", with logo, name and description, and probably screenshots (hmm). Or a Citizen Photojournalism project, each region or newspaper would want their own app as well. Pretty much for any multi-tenant website.


tacman commented 4 weeks ago

@Spomky Would you accept a PR for emitting events before and after creating the manifest? Any guidance?

I think it'll allow some interesting and powerful integrations, like validation, translations, and of course custom text and image options.

Spomky commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @tacman,

The translation feature is not finished. Domain is not supported and it will always use the default locale. In the end, I think the bundle will serve static files with dedicated paths such as /site.{_locale}.webmanifest. Or maybe I will let the user decide. I'm not sure about this question. Anyhow, I do not think this is the way you should go.

Regarding the events, I am ok with that 👍🏼. This will be a nice addition to send the Manifest/Service Worker or any other Asset Mapper objects and let the developer hook onto it.

tacman commented 3 weeks ago

Domain is not supported and it will always use the default locale.

I'm hoping you'll make that configurable, including false. KnpMenuBundle does something like that.


Should I add the events and dispatch and submit a PR?

tacman commented 3 weeks ago

OK, I've added 2 classes

namespace SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Event;

use SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Dto\Manifest;
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;

 * Dispatched during the ManifestBuilder::create method, after the configuration is denormalized
class PostManifestBuildEvent extends Event
    public function __construct(private Manifest $manifest)

    public function getManifest(): Manifest
        return $this->manifest;


namespace SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Event;

use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;

 * Dispatched during the ManifestBuilder::create method, before the configuration is denormalized
class PreManifestBuildEvent extends Event
    public function __construct(private array $config)

    public function getConfig(): array
        return $this->config;

And tweaked the builder



namespace SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Service;

use SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Dto\Manifest;
use SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Event\PostManifestBuildEvent;
use SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Event\PreManifestBuildEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DenormalizerInterface;
use function assert;

final class ManifestBuilder
    private null|Manifest $manifest = null;

     * @param array<string, mixed> $config
    public function __construct(
        private readonly DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer,
        private readonly EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher,
        private readonly array $config,
    ) {

    public function create(): Manifest
        if ($this->manifest === null) {
            $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new PreManifestBuildEvent($this->config));
            $result = $this->denormalizer->denormalize($this->config, Manifest::class);
            assert($result instanceof Manifest);
            $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new PostManifestBuildEvent($this->manifest));
            $this->manifest = $result;

        return $this->manifest;

How do I wire the Dispatcher in services.php?

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $configurator): void {
    $container = $configurator->services()

    /*** Manifest ***/
            '$config' => param('spomky_labs_pwa.manifest.config'),
            '$dispatcher' => ???

I usually use the new Reference(), but I'm doing it in a the bundle, I'm not familiar with how to wire it here.


Spomky commented 3 weeks ago

Looks good to me. Normally, there is no need to change the service definition. The autoconfig statement tells Symfony to inject the service if it is available. Instead of private readonly EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, you should have private readonly null|EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher,. If null, the NullDispatcher should be set.

I will prepare a PR for that.

tacman commented 3 weeks ago


tacman commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, I'm wondering how to solve something. When I compile the assets, including manifest, there is no subdomain.

So it'll work fine in dev, but how do I compile/cache the manifest if it's dynamic? e.g. test.example.com could load the manifest from test.manifest.json and the short_name could be test, but how do I indicate that during the bin/console assetmap:compile?

tacman commented 3 weeks ago

Drat, this is going to be complicated. :-( Obviously the manifest needs to be cached, but maybe not during the AssetMapper compile. For example, it could be cached in redis. But this is more complicated than I'd thought!

tacman commented 3 weeks ago

Can you reopen this? #179 added an event during the compilation, but I wanted to add an event during the build step.