SpongePowered / DownloadIndexer

The download indexer and API for the Sponge project
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Add table with API to MC version mappings #7

Open progwml6 opened 6 years ago

progwml6 commented 6 years ago

A table should be added with API versions linked to the MC versions that can run them in order to assist ore, and other systems with understanding what game versions plugins support that do not hardcode this information due to factors that limit them to only one version, or a subset of versions of the game.

This will be needed for spongepowered/ore#387

stephan-gh commented 6 years ago

We would need to add that information in SpongeAPI first. Right now, SpongeAPI doesn't have any indication (in the code or the JAR) for which MC version it is designed for.

stephan-gh commented 6 years ago

To be exact, there are probably no changes needed in SpongeDownloads: All that is needed is to add a minecraft dependency to SpongeAPI's mcmod.info file. Dependencies are exposed automatically.

progwml6 commented 6 years ago

We need this information for existing versions as well

stephan-gh commented 6 years ago

I can add them the next time I make database changes. I never really spent much time making the database changes backward compatible because there is an additional client that can re-index all downloads quite quickly. It already has existing code to override certain things in the mcmod.info files of the artifacts, it's not hard to add the mapping for the older artifacts.

DenWav commented 6 years ago

I would love if this could be done sooner rather than later. Something to replace my hand-maintained SpongeAPI <-> MC version mapping API for MCDev: https://github.com/minecraft-dev/minecraftdev.org/blob/master/versions/sponge_v2.json

I'd rather just parse a Sponge-maintained API that is actually kept up to date, as mine frequently falls out of date (which, at the time of me writing this comment, it currently is).

stephan-gh commented 6 years ago

Question: Does API 7 target Minecraft "1.12" or "1.12.2"? The API generally shouldn't change at all for the minor point updates.

gabizou commented 6 years ago

API 7 targets 1.12.2, I think 1.12 was originally being targeted but forge very quickly updated to 1.12.2