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Mixin is a trait/mixin and bytecode weaving framework for Java using ASM
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java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type when injecting with locals #154

Closed stephan-gh closed 7 years ago

stephan-gh commented 7 years ago

Injection point: MinecraftServer.getTabCompletions on Minecraft 1.11 (see link for exact injection point).

Trying to inject at the first return with local variable capture results in two different signatures in the IDE and in production:

If I add an @Inject and a @Surrogate for both signatures it works fine in the IDE. However, in production, it throws a java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type.

Full error: https://gist.github.com/Minecrell/ca35a3aa503c73265416f92ee8675876


@Inject(method = "getTabCompletions", at = @At(value = "RETURN", ordinal = 0), cancellable = true, locals = LocalCapture.CAPTURE_FAILHARD)
private void onTabCompleteChat(ICommandSender sender, String input, BlockPos pos, boolean hasTargetBlock, CallbackInfoReturnable<List<String>> cir,
        List<String> list, boolean b, String[] s1, String s) {
    // ...

private void onTabCompleteChat(ICommandSender sender, String input, BlockPos pos, boolean hasTargetBlock, CallbackInfoReturnable<List<String>> cir,
        List<String> list, boolean b, List<?> list2, Iterator<?> iterator) {
    // ...

Is Mixin detecting something wrong here? It seems like the error occurs because Mixin is trying to assign a variable with a wrong type.

Mumfrey commented 7 years ago

Yeah this has reared it's head multiple times in the past for various reasons, and it's usually a function of one of:

"Enhanced for" loops in Java are a pretty sticky one because they are normally decompiled to an iterator, so it's actually likely that the production one is "correct", for example if in the original code the two locals astring and s2 don't exist or are initialised inside the foreach loop, but the compiler optimises them outside the loop (putting them later in the locals table but earlier in the code) would be a totally plausible reason for that to happen).

Going to need to look into this in detail, as it's one of the most problematic things I've encountered to date and this looks like yet another corner case to deal with, yay funtimes. With luck it might be fixable by leaving the surrogate in place but just changing the injection logic to use new locals slots instead of reusing them like the current injector does.