SpongePowered / MixinGradle

Gradle plugin that adds the Mixin technology capability to your project.
MIT License
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Mixins aren't properly reobfuscated if gradle runs configureReobfTaskFor* task before compileJava #38

Open Barteks2x opened 2 years ago

Barteks2x commented 2 years ago

As in the title. Gradle is able to shuffle task execution around a bit as long as task dependency constraints are met. I ran into a situation where gradle reordered my tasks such that configureReobfTaskForShadowJar ran before compileJava in some cases. This breaks mixin reobf. The solution is to specify mustRunAfter("compileJava") for that those tasks

tterrag1098 commented 8 months ago

Has this been looked into? These workarounds linked above will just add more magic boilerplate to everyone's buildscripts until we forget what it was supposed to fix.