SpongePowered / Sponge

The SpongeAPI implementation targeting vanilla Minecraft and 3rd party platforms.
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ChangeEntityPotionEffectEvent is not triggering #2574

Open simonerighi96 opened 4 years ago

simonerighi96 commented 4 years ago

I am currently running

Issue Description The Event ChangeEntityPotionEffectEvent never gets triggered. I tried with every sub-event, none of them are triggering when a potion effect is added to a living entity.

@Listener(order = Order.FIRST, beforeModifications = true)
    public void onPotionChange(ChangeEntityPotionEffectEvent.Gain event) {

        plugin.getLogger().info("Potion effect gained");

ImMorpheus commented 4 years ago

Able to reproduce. It hasn't been implemented.

Column01 commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? Still would like to be able to use this event 😄

Column01 commented 9 months ago

As far as I can tell this is still an issue and a somewhat major oversight IMO

zml2008 commented 9 months ago

API 7 is no longer supported.

Column01 commented 9 months ago

I'm aware of that, but I couldn't find it even in the latest versions, the event is missing (at least under this name)