SpongePowered / Sponge

The SpongeAPI implementation targeting vanilla Minecraft and 3rd party platforms.
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Chatting with Velocity-Proxy kicks Players (chat message validation failure) #3789

Open TBlueF opened 1 year ago

TBlueF commented 1 year ago

Affected Product(s)




Operating System

Windows 10

Java Version

java 17.0.1 2021-10-19 LTS



Describe the bug

Using a Velocity-Proxy in front of multiple SpongeVanilla-1.19.2 servers with ip-forwarding kicks players after they switched servers. (no mods or plugins used)

How to reproduce

What i would expect to happen Chat message is being sent, possibly with no validation like in offline-mode servers.

What actually happens Player is being kicked with the sponge-server log saying:

[14:10:25] [Netty Server IO #4/WARN]: Failed to validate message from TBlueF, reasons: unknown message
[14:10:25] [Server thread/INFO]: TBlueF lost connection: Chat message validation failure
[14:10:25] [Server thread/INFO]: TBlueF left the game

Link to logs

No response

Deedikjupijn commented 10 months ago

Hey, anyone found a way to fix this. I am having the exact same issue!