SpongePowered / SpongeAPI

A Minecraft plugin API
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Ability to capture exceptions logged from other plugins from Sponge services in a generic way #1072

Open minecrafter opened 8 years ago

minecrafter commented 8 years ago

Note: when I say Sponge services, I mean event handling, command execution, and task execution.

I am working on the new official plugin for Buycraft. As part of it, we want to be able to capture exceptions from our plugin and submit them to a third-party service to be recorded so we can fix bugs for the next release. Currently, the Sponge API provides no way to fetch these exceptions, which forces us to create implementation-specific hacks.

simon816 commented 8 years ago

@zml was working on an error reporting API, it might be possible to tie your suggestion into it. See #793