SpongePowered / SpongeAPI

A Minecraft plugin API
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Improve Javadocs: Project and Package descriptions #520

Closed boformer closed 8 years ago

boformer commented 9 years ago

To make the javadocs more self-explaining, there should be a project description that is displayed on the index page (overview.html).

The description can also include a link to the SpongeDocs.

Also, there should be a description for every package (package-info.java).

phase commented 9 years ago

Isn't that what the SpongeDocs are for?

Xemiru commented 9 years ago

@phase not necessarily, the docs are for explaining things in a way that's more user-friendly, for all the n00bies, whether its Sponge or development in general (to some extent). this is just for extra clarification of the project, and parts of it. not so important, but it doesn't hurt to add it either.

gabizou commented 9 years ago

Usually the packages are pretty self evident in regards to what they do. What more description would a package gain?

boformer commented 9 years ago

@gabizou the Bukkit docs are a good example: http://www.javaminecraft.com/bukkitapi/overview-summary.html

The package description can contain a link of a related class (e.g. player events --> Player) and describe the contents of a package.

I don't think that all package names are self-explaining.

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

This overview is really nice. I would love to see something similiar for sponge as well.

Especially the following packages could benefit from this:

For some you can guess them but others may be confusing due to their similar names.

caojohnny commented 9 years ago

I'd like to see this implemented

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

Anyone willing to do this? Or is this something the team would do?

If not I would offer my help on this.

boformer commented 9 years ago

This is an open source project. Just go ahead ;)

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

The current progress for package javadocs: 100% (Compare)

If you have any wishes or suggestions please tell me so i can add them soon.

Package Description
...api Core classes in the API with general purpose.
...api.attribute Classes to manipulate Attributes such as MAX_HEALTH and MOVEMENT_SPEED.
...api.block Classes used to manipulate block states of block volumes such as worlds.
...api.block.tileentity Classes that represents special data holder blocks.
...api.block.tileentity.carrier Classes that represents special data holder blocks with inventories.
...api.data Classes used to store and manipulate data on a wide variety of data holders, replaces the insecure NBT access.
...api.data.manipulator Data classes that can be used to add, alter, copy and delete data from DataHolders.
...api.data.manipulator.block Data classes that can be used to add, alter, copy and delete data from blocks.
...api.data.manipulator.catalog Utility classes listing all data classes applicable to a specific part of the API.
...api.data.manipulator.entity Data classes that can be used to add, alter, copy and delete data from entities.
...api.data.manipulator.item Data classes that can be used to add, alter, copy and delete data from item stacks.
...api.data.manipulator.tileentity Data classes that can be used to add, alter, copy and delete data from tile entities.
...api.data.property Classes that represent immutable data properties.
...api.data.type Enum like classes used in DataManipulators.
...api.effect Classes representing visual or audible effects for viewers.
...api.effect.particle Classes representing visual particle effects for viewers.
...api.effect.sound Classes representing sound effects for viewers.
...api.entity Classes for non-voxel objects that can exist in a world, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.
...api.entity.explosive Classes for entities that can explode such as TNT.
...api.entity.hanging Classes for hanging entities such as decorative item frames.
...api.entity.living Classes for living entities such as players and monsters.
...api.entity.living.animal Classes for living Animals such as cows and sheeps.
...api.entity.living.complex Classes for complex entities such as the ender dragon.
...api.entity.living.golem Classes for golems.
...api.entity.living.monster Classes for Monsters such as creepers and skeletons.
...api.entity.player Classes for players.
...api.entity.player.gamemode Should be moved
...api.entity.player.tab Classes for player's tab lists.
...api.entity.projectile Classes for projectiles.
...api.entity.projectile.explosive Classes for explosive projectiles.
...api.entity.projectile.explosive.fireball Classes for fireball projectiles.
...api.entity.projectile.source Classes for projectile sources.
...api.entity.vehicle Classes for vehicles such as boats and Minecarts.
...api.entity.vehicle.minecart Classes for minecart.
...api.entity.weather Classes for weather related entities.
...api.event Classes dedicated to handling triggered code executions.
...api.event.attribute Events related to attributes.
...api.event.ban Events related to bans.
...api.event.block Events related to blocks.
...api.event.block.tileentity Events related to tile entities.
...api.event.cause Classes for event causes and reasoning.
...api.event.cause.reason Classes for event reasoning.
...api.event.entity Events related to entities.
...api.event.entity.living Events related to living entities.
...api.event.entity.living.human Events related to humans including NPCs and players.
...api.event.entity.living.human.fishing Events related to fishing humans.
...api.event.entity.living.player Should be moved
...api.event.entity.minecart Events related to minecarts.
...api.event.entity.player Events related to Players excluding NPCs.
...api.event.entity.player.fishing Events related to fishing players.
...api.event.inventory Events related to inventories.
...api.event.message Events related to messages such as commands and chat.
...api.event.network Events related to network communication.
...api.event.rcon Events related to the remote console access.
...api.event.server Events related to the Server.
...api.event.server.query Events related to the Server queries.
...api.event.state Events related to the state of the game.
...api.event.statistic Events related to in game Statistics.
...api.event.weather Events related to weather effects.
...api.event.world Events related to the world.
...api.extra.skylands Classes related to the skyland world generation.
...api.item Classes related to item stacks and inventories.
...api.item.inventory Classes related to inventories.
...api.item.inventory.crafting Classes related to crafting inventories.
...api.item.inventory.custom Classes related to custom inventories.
...api.item.inventory.entity Classes related to inventories for entities.
...api.item.inventory.equipment Classes related to equipment inventories.
...api.item.inventory.property Property classes related to inventories.
...api.item.inventory.slot Classes for different inventory slot types.
...api.item.inventory.transaction Transaction classes related to inventories.
...api.item.inventory.type Classes for different inventory layouts.
...api.item.merchant Classes related to merchants and item trading.
...api.item.recipe Classes related to (crafting) recipes.
...api.network Classes related to network communication.
...api.plugin Classes related to plugins and plugin management.
...api.potion Classes related to potion effects.
...api.resourcepack Classes related to resource packs.
...api.scoreboard Classes related to scorebards.
...api.scoreboard.critieria Classes related to scoreboards defining the update behavior.
...api.scoreboard.displayslot Classes related to positioning scoreboards.
...api.scoreboard.objective Classes related to tracking the actual score value for the entiries in scoreboards.
...api.scoreboard.objective.displaymode Classes defining the look of the values displayed by scoreboards.
...api.service Classes related to service management as well as service definitions.
...api.service.ban Service classes related to ban management.
...api.service.command Service classes related to command management.
...api.service.config Service classes related to config management.
...api.service.event Service classes related to event management.
...api.service.pagination Service classes related to pagination handling.
...api.service.permission Service classes related to permission management.
...api.service.permission.context Classes used to separate different permission contexts.
...api.service.permission.option Permission holder classes more data than just permissions.
...api.service.persistence Classes related to managing and persisting data objects.
...api.service.profile Classes related to fetching game profiles.
...api.service.rcon Service classes used to obtain details about the remote console.
...api.service.scheduler Service classes related to timed code executions.
...api.service.sql Service classes related to sql connection management.
...api.service.user Classes related to fetching user profiles.
...api.statistic Classes related to ingame statistics.
...api.statistic.achievement Classes related to achievements.
...api.status Classes related to server status publishing.
...api.text Classes related to messaging and text displaying and formating.
...api.text.action Classes related to actions bound to text parts.
...api.text.chat Classes for controlling the type of text being send.
...api.text.format Classes related to Text formating such as colors and style.
...api.text.selector Classes related to selectors.
...api.text.sink Classes related to message sinks (message target bundles).
...api.text.title Classes related to title screens.
...api.text.translation Text classes related to multi language support.
...api.util Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic concepts.
...api.util.annotation Utility annotation classes.
...api.util.ban Utility classes related to player and user bans.
...api.util.blockray Block ray tracing utility classes.
...api.util.command Utility classes related to commands.
...api.util.command.args Utility classes related to command arguments.
...api.util.command.args.parsing Utility classes related to command argument parsing.
...api.util.command.dispatcher Utility classes related to command dispatching.
...api.util.command.source Utility classes related to command sources.
...api.util.command.spec Utility classes related to command specifications.
...api.util.event.callback Utility classes related to event callbacks.
...api.util.event.factory Utility classes related to event instance/class generation.
...api.util.event.factory.plugin Utility classes related to event instance/class generation extensions.
...api.util.event.superclasses Utility class for generated event classes.
...api.util.reflect Classes related to java reflections.
...api.util.rotation Utility classes related to rotations.
...api.util.weighted Classes related to weighted randomization.
...api.world Classes related to the world and its properties.
...api.world.biome Classes related to the world's biomes.
...api.world.difficulty Classes related to the worlds difficulty.
...api.world.extent Classes related to virtually separating worlds into smaller pieces and working with them.
...api.world.gamerule Classes related to the world's game rules.
...api.world.gen Classes related to world generation.
...api.world.gen.populator Classes related to the world population (blocks only).
...api.world.gen.type Classes related to type definitions for the world generator.
...api.world.storage Classes related to world storage access.
...api.world.weather Classes related to the weather in a world.
boformer commented 9 years ago

"Classes" is maybe a bad word (though the Bukkit javadoc also uses the word). Many parts of the API are actually interfaces

Very nice work! I think this really improves the quality of the javadoc!

caojohnny commented 9 years ago

"Classes" describes Java-specific file best, i.e. you wouldn't say "This .java file does yadayada ydada" but "This class does yada yada yada".

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

Done. Anyone wants to suggest some changes before i create a PR? ~130 package-info.java files

I know the descriptions are short but IMO this is a good starting point and will ease the work to add more or to enhance the existing.

caojohnny commented 9 years ago

Possibly highlight some important classes in that particular package possibly?

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

I linked a lot of classes, but i could not export it to my github comment. You can see the links when following the "Compare" link above the list. For sub-packages this is really hard as there is less important stuff in there.

caojohnny commented 9 years ago

Ah I can understand that.

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

Java only shows the first sentence in the listing so i focussed on writing that part.

I also thought about adding some examples for each paackage, but I'm lacking knowledge on some of the packages and i also don't know whether that will get appreciated.

Something like this Data API Example.

boformer commented 9 years ago

Very nice!

Deamon5550 commented 9 years ago

Don't include examples.

ST-DDT commented 9 years ago

I created a PR for this: https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/pull/757

Zidane commented 8 years ago

Now apart of the OCD list.