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Ticking world crash from setting villager profession to 6 null #3000

Open MetaverseRPN opened 4 years ago

MetaverseRPN commented 4 years ago

I am currently running

Issue Description ticking world crash from recurrent complex and once removed same crash from lycanites mobs. Crash ceases to exist when sponge is removed

recurrent complex crash: https://gist.github.com/nacjm/8da35c5b222c227c8801d3eb0b2b155c recurrent complex server log:https://gist.github.com/nacjm/8b82127e8057419f71380dc5791aab67 lycanites mobs crash: https://gist.github.com/nacjm/208ec52ce2f3015dda65a2864349b461

MetaverseRPN commented 4 years ago

After looking at other issues it seems this may be related to #2964

JBYoshi commented 4 years ago

Seems like this is really about SGCraft. It has the extra villager registration, and owns one of the mixins in the stack trace which replaces the profession.

MetaverseRPN commented 4 years ago

I can see why that would be the case but why is none of the log mentioning sgcraft at all in the tracelog then?

JBYoshi commented 4 years ago

The reason SGCraft doesn't appear in the crash is because its code is part of a mixin. It's part of the following line:

        at net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureVillagePieces$Village.redirect$onSetProfessionViaStructureSpawn$bbi000(StructureVillagePieces.java:2015)

Most of the mixins in a Sponge server belong to Sponge, so I tried looking it up in Sponge first. However, onSetProfessionViaStructureSpawn never appears in the Sponge codebase. A full search on GitHub showed the only result for that as part of SGCraft.

MetaverseRPN commented 4 years ago

I guess that makes sense. So should I post this bug there also?

JBYoshi commented 4 years ago

Not at this point. I think it's probably a Sponge bug which shows up when used with SGCraft. (The majority of bugs that involve Sponge and don't appear without it are caused by it.)