Open SunnjiSann opened 3 years ago
I am currently running...
Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu)
Plugins (95): minecraft, mcp, aearlymodloader, FML, forge, spongeapi, sponge, spongeforge, antispam, banchestitem, bancraftitem, banuseitem, biomesoplenty, bossbarclearlagg, chatplaceholder, clan, cmdrunallplayer, commandschedule, commandcondition, commandpack, customcommand, customnpcs, delaycommand, deuf, disabledamageplayerinworld, disablehunger, disableinteractblock, disableinteractentity, disableplaceitem, disablespawnentitypro, disablespawner, editlore, ezexpansion, farmprotect, fastasyncworldedit, worldedit, fixbug, gashapon, generalcommand, gensecobridge, globalmarket, gts_generations, gts, holograms, hologramsplaceholder, impactor, intervalcommand, inventorykeep, inventoryplayer, iplimitjoin, itemmanager, kickplayer, limitentity, luckperms, madegui, magibridge, mail, mailwebshop, message, modauthentication, modbanner, nopzakung, noweather, npcs, nucleus, pixelextras, pixelmon-wiki-gui, pixelmonaddon, pixelmonfixmoney, pixelmon, pixelmonnopcommands, pixelmonspawnmanager, placeholderapi, playerdata, premiumblock, preventexitborder, preventexplosion, preventframedestroy, prism, protectionstone, raidboss, replacecommand, runplayercommand, schedule, securitylogin, silentjoinquit, skinsrestorer, soulpoint, startupcommand, tabmanager, takeoffarmor, topmoney, totaleconomy, variedcommodities, worldevent, worldmanager
What is the expected result?
Server Freeze, player can't join to the server then Console show error message many time.
What is the current result?
I must exit console because of I can't use command to stop server or use anyway to stop it, then server not save data cause force exit.
Stacktrace extracted:
Server Latest (error time 21:23:40): latest.log
I'm sorry, I'm not good in english.
Looks like a few issues, Something is running pokegive commands from the wrong thread. Also pixelmongenerations is doing block lookups off of the main thread (No surprises there 🙄)
Not a sponge issue however.
I am currently running...
Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu)
Plugins (95): minecraft, mcp, aearlymodloader, FML, forge, spongeapi, sponge, spongeforge, antispam, banchestitem, bancraftitem, banuseitem, biomesoplenty, bossbarclearlagg, chatplaceholder, clan, cmdrunallplayer, commandschedule, commandcondition, commandpack, customcommand, customnpcs, delaycommand, deuf, disabledamageplayerinworld, disablehunger, disableinteractblock, disableinteractentity, disableplaceitem, disablespawnentitypro, disablespawner, editlore, ezexpansion, farmprotect, fastasyncworldedit, worldedit, fixbug, gashapon, generalcommand, gensecobridge, globalmarket, gts_generations, gts, holograms, hologramsplaceholder, impactor, intervalcommand, inventorykeep, inventoryplayer, iplimitjoin, itemmanager, kickplayer, limitentity, luckperms, madegui, magibridge, mail, mailwebshop, message, modauthentication, modbanner, nopzakung, noweather, npcs, nucleus, pixelextras, pixelmon-wiki-gui, pixelmonaddon, pixelmonfixmoney, pixelmon, pixelmonnopcommands, pixelmonspawnmanager, placeholderapi, playerdata, premiumblock, preventexitborder, preventexplosion, preventframedestroy, prism, protectionstone, raidboss, replacecommand, runplayercommand, schedule, securitylogin, silentjoinquit, skinsrestorer, soulpoint, startupcommand, tabmanager, takeoffarmor, topmoney, totaleconomy, variedcommodities, worldevent, worldmanager
What is the expected result?
Server Freeze, player can't join to the server then Console show error message many time.
What is the current result?
I must exit console because of I can't use command to stop server or use anyway to stop it, then server not save data cause force exit.
Stacktrace extracted:
Server Latest (error time 21:23:40): latest.log
I'm sorry, I'm not good in english.