SpongePowered / VanillaGradle

A toolchain for Minecraft: Java Edition that builds a workspace to interact with the game using the official mappings provided to the public by Mojang Studios.
MIT License
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Dependency Resolve Error when targeting Minecraft version 1.21-pre1 or later #149

Closed TalonFloof closed 2 weeks ago

TalonFloof commented 1 month ago

When attempting to target Minecraft version 1.21-pre1 or later using the latest release of this plugin (0.2.1-SNAPSHOT), the following error message occurs on gradle

Could not find lwjgl-freetype-3.3.3-natives-macos-patch.jar (org.lwjgl:lwjgl-freetype:3.3.3).
Searched in the following locations:

This file appears to only be available in the Minecraft Library server and not on a standard maven repository, which appears to be the root cause of this issue. Although I don't work on this plugin, I wonder if it would be possible to have it grab this dependency from the Minecraft servers directly instead of using a Maven repository as this would potentially fix the issue.

MerchantPug commented 1 month ago

Also happens with pre1. The temporary fix would be to be on 24w21b, as that's the last version that doesn't use this dependency.

TalonFloof commented 1 month ago

I have a feeling https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272279 is the root cause of why this file was created

TalonFloof commented 1 month ago

It appears that 1.21-pre3 isn't affected by this

AzureDoom commented 1 month ago

Can verify this on my end as well, had this issue with pre1/2 but is resolved with 3. Will see how it fairs if we get a 4th or RC.

zml2008 commented 2 weeks ago

Resolved in https://github.com/SpongePowered/VanillaGradle/commit/ccc45765d9881747b2c922be7a13c453c32ce9ed