Spookcity / ROMS-G800F

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Test builds #10

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Here, you can share test builds for people to test. If you want, you can create an issue for that build so people can share their experiences there. When you do so, make sure to either announce the build here first, or post it in the Announcements topic, if you want more attention.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

TWRP 3.1.1 is Out. Can anyone update? https://www.xda-developers.com/twrp-3-1-1-is-out-brings-minor-fixes/

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Do not do that, but every time I compile the 14.1 leave me an image recovery, I guess that's what you're looking for, I do not know if doing that can get the update, I'll try

turbotorsten commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x also thought about that, but what do you pay for it?

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

No, no payment, I use the free trial, 300 usd in credit that equals the vm turned on continuously 20 days, but I discovered that you can use the same credit card in several accounts

Guntzog commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Yes I confirm that RR is bugless and magnificent ! Thank you for the good job :)

edit : screen turn black when i call someone, can't or get it back on unless the call ends on @jimmy999x 's RR N

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago


Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Guntzog Your phone is cursed. @jimmy999x Everything works great. The three of us installed RR, no one has any problems. Thank you again (Google Translate)

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Where are you from? what language do you speak?

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Everyone's favorite Russia :D . Russian language.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Definitely you have the best president in the world

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Ha ha ha ha. For foreigners, there can be a better one. If an official stole 5 billion rubles, then he is 3 months of house arrest. And if I steal a bag of potatoes, then 5 years in prison. And there was a law on which all calls, sms, social networks, everything, will be stored on the server and transferred to special services. That directly violates the constitution of the Russian Federation. Soon there will be total control., Stalin compared with him white and fluffy)). (Google Translate)

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk It sounds hard, very hard, but at least its president is more competent than the one in the country where I live (I'm Peruvian but I live in Argentina) mauricio macri is an inept man who caused an inflation of 400% in just 1 year of government, his President was a member of the kgb, our president was a rich boy who was president by mere whim and all his work team in his last electoral campaign was involved in a dark time of Argentina, total crisis

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x You know more about our president than Russian)). I do not like to talk about politics on a sober head)). They moved away from the topic. How's it going with MIUI? (Google Translate)

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Unfortunately for now I stopped miui, since I do not understand some things and I need to read more to know how everything works

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x "Moscow was not built in a day") . Good luck.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

http://imgur.com/a/vhyBM suda mod (I do not know how to describe this rom, it's 14.1 with few languages, less than normal, I think the developer is Chinese, I do not recommend it, but anyway, I leave it)


Guntzog commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk I believe so, but the curse is gone now and all good. And by the way, AOX is way faster than RR, battery back up too, one thing better in RR, is disabling HW key light, can't find it in AOX

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

http://imgur.com/a/mqogn FireHound rom (los 14.1 with some features) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwYn4RX4lLh0c1hpWWJXb1JmUUk

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Guntzog Which ROM are you talking about? Do you mean AEX or is there another ROM that I haven't heard of?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x You asked for some ROM suggestions or other things that you could build, and I stumbled across these:

Those were just a few that I found and it's up to you to decide which you'd like to build. Maybe some of them have already been built for our device or they don't exist anymore.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

great work @jimmy999x ...As far as ROMS. I have built Omni and Dirty Unicorns,both probably 4 or 5 months ago. DU was a bit difficult to build. Omni was rather easy. The problem...Neither would boot. I grabbed logs and saw that is was related to an init problem,but was unable to fix it at the time. Perhaps their repos have resolved this by now. I'm unsure.

Edit @StanNL I'm pretty sure he was referring to AEX.

Guntzog commented 7 years ago

@StanNL I am, AEX*

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@StanNL With du comes to a point in the repo sync where I request access to a repository of github to which I do not have access, pac man is dead I think, it is still by version 7.0, with bliss when downloading and installing the patches arises an error, I do not remember what happened with omni, but I'll still try today anyway

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Good luck with Omni. It was a fairly easy build if I remember correctly,but apparently the way DU and Omni handle their init procedure is different and it never booted past that for me,even with some changes I made. Hopefully this has changed. What patch errors did you have with bliss? I've had errors with the services/telephony patch on a few ROMS. If that's the error its a very easy fix as its only 3 lines of added code.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity really? I have stopped compiling about 8 or 9 roms, maybe more for that error LOL. how can I solve that?

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Go to the patch folder in the smdk common folder. Open the telephony patch. I believe it patches the manifest.xml in services/telephony. I'm not 100%,but the patch file will tell you what file it patches as its just 1 in this case. Open that file that needs patching and you simply need to paste the 3 lines with the ± next to them in that file (minus the +) It's not super important where you paste them,just not at the beginning of the file. I always do so after you see a break and a space. Perhaps around line 100.Not positive on that though. Let me know if you don't understand. I'm not the best at explaining things :D

Edit: I just looked at the patch. In case it's not clear it patches the packages/services/telephony/AndroidManifest.xml.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

I did not understand anything, what lines do you mean? I am downloading the source code of bliss, so I share some images so I know what I should do

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

http://imgur.com/a/of1D5 dnd rom (DarkNess-reDefined) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwYn4RX4lLh0WFB3c2t1SGVXZFE

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Sure that's fine. Trust me,its super easy.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago


The above text is the file inside the folder common and the one below the manifest that you mention

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Do you see the 4 lines with the + next to them in the smdk common file? These are what you need to copy and paste. The one ± is just an empty line though. However,what file is the second one? Its not the right one. I think it should be in packages/services/telephony. Is that the androidmanifest.xml you have opened?

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

Well, apparently I have confused, bliss gave me problems to patch the framework, not telephony, anyway, I will try again with the roms that gave me that problem, I know how to solve it, thank you very much

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

No problem. The reason that most patches fail is because the line numbers don't line up with the file it is trying to patch. All of the patches can be applied manually using the copy/paste method,but it becomes very time consuming when its patching many lines or multiple files. Either way,good luck!

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago


When I made a mistake with the ril of samsung when applying the patch, I went to apply again and got this, any ideas?

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I've had this before,but can't remember what the cause was. Perhaps repo sync again,which will overwrite all of the patches and then try to patch again.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

http://imgur.com/a/Zylaa After applying the patches the previous problem is corrected, but now I get this problem

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Did you figure this out? I'm a bit unsure of this as well. I don't remember having problems with that patch before. I always recommend trying a clean source and then patching again. Sometimes this will solve these problems. You can obviously do the same copy/paste thing with this patch as well,but it is more difficult/time consuming as it patches multiple files.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Spookcity_Kernel-N - Test 6

Note Any following test builds will probably be for the sole purpose of me trying to get the synapse interface right. Hopefully I will be able to and will get feedback from people on it. After that I will create a proper XDA thread for this kernel.

Download Test6 Please give feedback Here or XDA

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Without changing the voltage control, lowering the frequency to 200-300 does not reduce battery consumption. It seems so to me. (Google Translate)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk You are probably correct about that. Voltage control is the next thing I want to try to mess with when I have some time. Hopefully I will be able to achieve this sometime soon.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity RESURRECTION REMIX, test6, the phone booted without problems. I will test. For me, the problem is to use synapse, there is no translation into my language., Tuning by typing)). (Google Translate)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Great! Please let me know your findings. Kernel Adiutor will always work. I would just like to get synapse working properly because I really like it...if it works right. However, it will be on the "back burner" as I would rather have a feature rich, stable kernel without synapse then spend massive amounts of time on synapse, which is by no means necessary.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity In synapse again, the error zzmoove. In Kernel Adiutor it seems like there is no such problem with zzmoove, I do not like it (which profile is better for saving the battery?). The sound recording is clean, with headphones no problem. He did not notice any problems. Can I add the governor InteractiveX, SmartassV2, SmartassH3? And voltage control, and the start button of a nuclear reactor)). Thank you) (Google translation)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Thanks for the feedback! I have this as well with zzmoove in synapse. I think its related to permissions with the profiles,but am unsure. I've had an issue, only rarely in kernel adiutor, where I go into the "CPU governor tunables" with zzmoove selected and it says its not tuneable, even though it is. I believe its the same reason. I will look into more.I always use profile 2 with zzmoove. Can't really say why,but I like it :D More governors will be added for sure, so expect the ones you mention too hopefully.

Igor9393 commented 7 years ago

Ты спокити молодец ядро на 1.5 ГГц, это хорошо, но вот чувствуется разница именно для меня важны частоты ,как например на киткат версии 4.4 стабильное ядро в 1.6 ГГц; сразу чувствуется скорость и usb utg ,все работает, хотелось бы шагнул вперёд и увидеть после надеюсь стабильного 1.5 ГГц ,1600 , это будет неоценимый вклад,были ядра и на 1700 но не доработанный так их и забросили, за бы хотя-бы на официальную прошивку 6.0.1 1500 ГГц сделали бы, очень блогадарен буду думаю многие согласятся дизайн в 6.0.1 версии хороший и смарт манагер есть ,очень все просто , да и в неофициальных рома тоже чёткие , надеюсь будем шагать в перед и 16ггц со всеми частотами и говернорами (режимами) дойдем до этого, ещё раз спасибо всем кто разрабатывает ядра они очень важны в работоспособности телефона .

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Igor9393 I'm really going to hope that @Oleggluk sees this and can help you because I don't understand any of that. Apart from the numbers. Hehe

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity This writing is difficult to understand even in their native language)). :D

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Igor9393 https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s5-mini/orig-development/kernel-custom-kernel-t3130662

Igor9393 commented 7 years ago

Текст сократили и ничего не понятно, в крае, спокити молодец 1500 ГГц это хорошо, но хотелось продолжать дальше и выйти на 1600 ГГц как в версии киткат 4.4 , и было бы хорошо если на официальную 6.0.1 выпустили ядро обновлённые, большое спасибо всем кто трудится с ядрами ,они изюминка телефонов и очень важны.

Igor9393 commented 7 years ago

The text is cut and nothing is clear, in short, specity done 1500 GHz is good, but I wanted to continue on and exit at 1600 GHz version of kit kat 4.4 , and it would be nice if the official 6.0.1 released - updated, big thank you to all who are working with kernels ,they are the highlight of the phone is very important.