Spookcity / ROMS-G800F

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Test Builds #4 #20

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

A continuation of #10, #18 and #19.

w3bservice commented 7 years ago

@ Spookcity on Server and Workstation i usw CentOS, for buildsystem i open for all distris.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@w3bservice I would probably recommend Ubuntu just because. I have never used CentOS so I'm not familiar with it. I use Arch,which can be a bit challenging,but it works. CentOS is redhat based right? Either way the first step is to get all of your package dependencies met. This is a good example of the needed applications. Its for Ubuntu,but the applications will be the same. It's just a matter of where you get them from. For example,on Arch you need to enable multilib to get some of this stuff. I also just recommend openJDK 8. Unless your Linux distro uses Oracle by default. Either will work as long as its version 8 (assuming you want to build nougat) Also, if you decide to use CentOS and it uses python3 by default like Arch does then some other steps need to be made,but that's down the road. No need to worry at this point.

Edit: The issue with beanstalk not booting is related to the kernel as I have flashed mine and it boots. I will look into this more tomorrow,but have to guess it is SELinux denying things. So permissive it may be.

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

@w3bservice I have not been up to date with what I was talking about, just read the latest, do you plan to create a server or something? I have personally follow, these steps to configure the environment https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nathanchance/Android-Tools/master/Guides/Building_AOSP.txt , even though I have mine

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x I can confirm that some ROMS,even ones very similar to LOS have problems booting up with SELinux set to enforcing. Just letting you know if you have such an issue. This is the reason my beanstalk build would not boot. At some point I'll grab a log and see if I can fix it,but for now I'm just gonna release a version with a permissive kernel tomorrow as I don't really have time. My assumption is that a critical part of the boot up process doesn't have permissions with enforcing,but I'm no good at sepolicies. If these problems persist and I'm unable to fix them I'll ask mirhciulica if he can help out.

Edit: Its weird though because after flashing a permissive kernel it boots fine. Then I'm able to set it to boot on enforcing and it also boots fine. So perhaps it's an initial process that runs on first boot or something

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

For now I have not had problems with SElinux in enforcing, right now I compile 2 roms, a new one and an update @Spookcity

w3bservice commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x My thought was, if the G800F, already not officially one can offer nevertheless current Roms and the patches. There are many users who have problems installing a current image. With the server ..... I run 2 servers, one of the Mailserver is ..... and what makes the so the whole day ..... get bored, until one mail or mail arrives. ... otherwise the postfix is ​​on the sundeck. 16 GB RAM and 4 Core I can buy the VM for it already. And it is not about the money, but about the community.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

I've also thought about it, set up an update server for the roms, I use google vm free trial, my configuration is 52gb of ram, 8 cores and 2tb, I install a graphical interface and from there compile my roms, I could donate the Server, but would only last about 20 days with that configuration @w3bservice

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@w3bservice and @jimmy999x This is all a bit over my head in all honesty. I'm not very good with server related things and what-not. Even using Google cloud to build is something I was unaware of until it was brought up here. I just sit behind an old laptop and build :D

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

Hey, I also work behind an old laptop, I only control a super pc remotely that compiles roms, I recently bought a lg pad 8.0, with a processor snapdragon, in a short time I have compiled more than 10 roms, it is much simpler , In addition my server looks exactly like any linux distribution

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Yes, this sounds very nice indeed! Luckily,I'm really only building updates for my 4 or 5 ROM builds once a month/6 weeks and as I mentioned to you,most are set up so I expect few errors and just let it build over night. Not ideal,but its OK. At some point in the near future I plan on building a nice PC. Obviously won't be near the super computer you control,but I think I'll be able to splurge some and make it pretty nice.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

Peace and quiet ...). Have someone the time to update the RR. The fingerprint sensor is driving me crazy. I want to experience new changes when the fingerprint sensor turns off while the screen is off. In addition, the RR added new features for the fingerprint scanner, the answer or reset the call ... on the fingerprint scanner. Perhaps all together will affect the better.

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago


edit 1: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=817550096634781591

w3bservice commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Can you compile aex 4.3? Thx My computer break at thunder last week

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@w3bservice Yes, I was having problems syncing their sources,so I had to just start from scratch. Hopefully I will get it built sometime in the next couple of days

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Spookcity_Kernel-N - Test v1.0a


Download Spookcity_Kernel-N_v1.0a

Pat750 commented 7 years ago

Finally managed to sign into this. Did test flash most of the uncountable ROMs. Tested without SIM card or google account, did just play with the settings and some apps to see what the ROM offers. Most ROMs worked fine. Here is only one issue. @jimmy999x on AOSIP and Hexagon the sd-card (Samsung 64 GB) was not shown when device was connected to PC (W7 Prof). Normally ejecting the card can solve this, but it didn't. SD can be accessed by android file explorer, but installing apk's from SD doesn't work, it says error while parsing. On the other hand restoring apps with Titanium from SD did work. I have no solution, but did like both ROMs.

Last ROM to test is Carbon...but won't have time the next 2 weeks... Did a short review of Candy under ROM section. Now I'm on DND (Darkness Redefined) and since it's pretty smooth I will use it for a while.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Hey,good to see ya here @Pat750 . I agree I used CandyROM for awhile and liked it. I really like most of the ROMS,but somehow I always find my way back to AEX. There's just something about it. Plus they've implemented MicroG in the new version. Which was something I wanted to add anyway.

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Pat750 commented 7 years ago

Interesting that MicroG. Personally I think it's always good to avoid Google as much as possible and give others a chance...

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Pat750 I very much agree!

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w3bservice commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Thx for compiling. I install its tomorow

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIETeUpEb2Fc5VwwRKE3m4Q/videos I discovered that this channel shares the roms we made, it does not bother me that it does, what bothers me is that it uses link shorteners

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Horn to him to break. And in the comments to disgrace him.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

I very much agree with @jimmy999x I have no problem at all that they are sharing the ROMS. I actually think its cool they made videos and it could be real beneficial,especially if shared here or on XDA,but the link shorteners are a big problem for me as well.

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

That also bothered me, in no time we were given the credit, or mentioned some post from xda, just shorten the links and publish the videos, and I contacted him, I'm waiting for a reply

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Did you ever get any response?

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

I looked out the kernel v2.0. What's new awaits us in the test version?)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Not 100% sure yet. Alucard,alucard hotplug. Some other patches I've applied. Maybe GPU overclock to 600mhz. Also perhaps drivedroid support. It depends really. I've also moved the "get_CPU_idle_time" function and fixed a bunch of the CPU governors to work properly with this move. Maybe these. I've added zen tune as well. All of this will probably not be included in the test build though. It depends, I'm going to be away for a little while and won't have much time to work on it for the next 2 weeks or so.. So we shall see.

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

Yes, he said that in the next few days he would change the information, post the posts and credits, but he will not remove the link shortcuts.

On the other hand I just read that xosp possibly will not have the 8.0 version of android

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Well, I suppose that's better than nothing. Although the links personally bother me a lot more. I'm OK without getting any credit ( although it is nice and the right thing to do I believe) and have him remove those. Whatever, such is life.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

https://www.xda-developers.com/paranoid-android-7-2-0-improves-color-engine-adds-accidental-touch-protection-and-supports-even-more-devices/ Eh, dreams, dreams

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk No promises, but maybe I'll give building PA a go. The problem is that I believe it to be a rather difficult build for out device for some reason. I am really lacking time of late and between keeping my other ROMS updated and trying to work on my kernel it takes up a lot of my free time. If I have the time... and patience I'll give it a go though. No guarantees on when though.

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Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Spookcity_Kernel-N - Test v2.0a



Be careful when setting alucard hotplug and certain CPU governors on boot via Kernel Adiutor etc. For some reason certain CPU governors,when set to apply on boot do not play nice with alucard hotplug and as soon as these setting are applied the phone will reboot. Some work fine. Others not so much. This has already become less by certain changes I have made,but it still happens. So,make sure you set kernel adiutors "apply on boot delay" to enough time that you will be able to cancel it if you have this issue. You have been warned!

Download Spookcity_Kernel-N_v2.0a

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Firmware RR, kernel v2.0a. Very strange. After setting up and restarting., All additional sounds have turned on themselves - Screen lock sound, dialing sound, vibration feedback and others)). I continue to test Many settings of the system have been changed by default.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Hmm,indeed that is strange. I can't really explain why this would be. I guess some change I made? I don't know. I'll have to look into it some. This didn't happen for me I don't believe. Please do let me know more of your findings after some more testing. Thanks!

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Works good. Resetting the settings was insignificant., Different trivia, additional sounds, vibration, quick setting tiles, weather in the status bar, animation, font size ... I already set everything up again. I configured the instant application of the settings in Kernel Adiutor, rebooted, I did not find other problems. Hotplug is very interesting, not used before., An interesting combination with governors conservative, should save battery power. But the combination with other governors is doubtful, when switching off even 1 core, the frequency on the other 3 increases greatly, what's the point, I think it's better than 4 cores at a frequency of 400 than 3 cores for 900. I just ponder it). If something goes wrong I'll let you know. Thank you.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Many thanks for the great feedback. It's really appreciated! I have never messed with any hotplug governors either, up until a couple of weeks ago. It seems, on my playing around with it that the CPU governor you set in combination with the hotplug has a big effect on the CPU cores online settings. For instance, with zzmoove which I use a lot, it does mostly what you are saying, but with say ondemanplus it does really limit the cores. It's all a matter of playing around with settings I think. Plus keep in mind that the 200mhz frequency may make your device very slow if set with certain CPU governors along with alucard hotplug. So you may need to set the minimum CPU freq back to the standard 400mhz.

Still, like my warning just be cautious and make sure you have time to cancel the kernel adiutor settings if you get the reboot issue, which definitely will happen with some CPU governors. Ondemanplus being one I think. At least sometimes. It's a strange issue.

More hotplug governors and very hopefully voltage control in the near future. Stay tuned.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity If it's not difficult, build a v2.0a kernel, but with a maximum frequency of 1500? There was a person who had a radio on 4.4.2 and did not start the phone with any kernel after Test9. The phone is from the first release series. I'm curious if he will start at 1500.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Interesting problem. Yeah, it should be pretty easy I think. I'll try to do this after I eat dinner in a little while. I'll update this post with that version perhaps in an hour.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Bon Appetit )

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk 1.5 kernel I hope this will work for them. It is exactly the same as the v2.0a build just 1.5 max frequency. I did not test this,but it should work. Curious about whether it will work for them. Please let me know. Our device is very confusing/frustrating when it comes to CPU frequencies..as we all know by now lol

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity He is now out, but I gave him the link. As soon as he gives a result, I will write here. I myself am interested)). Still, there is some difference in the devices. Thank you.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity He is happy.)) Version V2.0a 1500 has started. Already three different devices are obtained, who has the upper threshold of 1500, who has 1600, and someone has a military prototype for 1700).

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Haha,so true. Our device is weird. I still,even after all of these weeks can't wrap my head around it. I'm still successfully using the 1700Mhz overclock on my military prototype hehe Either way, I'm very happy it booted for him!

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tapp2 commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity @Oleggluk Thank you both for the idea and building of the kernel V2.0a with 1500Mhz. Now i can use the kernel again without bootloops.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@tapp2 You're welcome. I have no problem building a 1500MHZ version for each update. It's not difficult. I will probably only post it up on here though as opposed to the XDA thread.

tapp2 commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Ok, so i will have a look here, when you updated the kernel at XDA.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@tapp2 Yeah, the basic process is going to go like this: I upload a test build here, as I did yesterday. Get some feedback or hear nothing and assume it's working OK. Then some days later post the same version on XDA. Then perhaps a week or two later post another test build on here and repeat. So the next build on XDA will be the same as this last test build, assuming all is OK with it.

Sent from my Samsung SM-G800F using FastHub

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk I also have now had the issue with certain settings being reset when I flashed a newer version of the kernel. Its a strange problem. Although,as you said it is fairly insignificant. I will try to look into it though. On a side note: I finally have figured this out. It took a lot of work and its not fully where I want it,but I will continue to tweak it. It will be a part of the next test build!

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity It's great. I've been waiting for this feature for a long time. And I got a new battery today. Now with a new core, battery and voltage regulation function, I will not charge the smartphone for a week. Haha))

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Haha,well congrats on the new battery! I think I may be in need of a new one in the near future. On the subject of voltage control: I've been messing with it for a few days. I've had some issue,but I believe mostly just related to me selecting values that were unstable,so the phone would lock up etc. Which is to be expected. The stock CPU voltage values are max=1300mV and min=800mV. I've set these to max=1500mv and min=600. Its just a matter of finding values that are stable. I very likely will release a build with only the voltage control added for you,and anyone else wanting to test in the next couple of days. Since I have since added and tweaked a fair bit more,but want the voltage control tested before anything else is released.