Spookcity / ROMS-G800F

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Test Builds #5 #21

Closed Spookcity closed 4 years ago

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

A continuation of #10, #18, #19 and 20.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@tester-02 Thanks for the feedback. It's weird,I've had no random reboots (besides ones related to me messing with voltages) I've not tried it on Lineage. From my experience,I've tested 4 or so ROMS for rather extended periods and there does seem to be slight differences stability wise with different ROMS. I'm not really sure why. Although I've still not experienced any random reboots.

Perhaps,since more and more people are reporting problems with the 1.6ghz over clock I will build a 1.5ghz for each update and indeed put it in the XDA thread. Our device is weird. I still use the 1.7 over clock with no issues :D

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Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Did you ever find good,stable voltages? I've been using some for days now and I find it rather awesome... Battery wise and performance wise. I was playing around with overvolting the higher frequencies to see if there was any performance boost. I didn't notice any. Only much higher CPU temps. Now I've undervolted everything a good deal. The stability is obvious dependent on the CPU governor you choose as well. Plus I'm still using 1700mhz with great success lol,but here's a screenshot of what I've been using.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity I experience a thrifty regime). And why can not I see how much less I've done? You can see values in parentheses for example (-25) screenshot_20170803-140546 But this is not the final option. I just do not have time for experiments right now. This is for me now stable.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk That looks real nice. You've undervolted a fair bit. I do find it very helpful with battery saving and notice no ill effects of the undervolting performance wise. The reason you can see the original values in parenthesis is because I use Kernel Adiutor-mod. This is going to be necessary to use if you want to have access to a few new features I've recently added (a hotplug governor and a virtual memory tweak/patch) They only show up in the modded version and not the original,errr. This is why I wanted to get synapse going...so there would be a universal tool to use,but honestly that may not happen. I just find it a real pain in the a$$ :D Either way,those features are a bit down the road still.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Installed Kernel Adiutor-Mod [V15] [18JUL2016] , horrible, very unstable, reboots constantly, keeps the frequency at maximum.. On the same settings as before. went back to the old Kernel+Adiutor+v0.9.71.1 P(b239) No problems.

I here people from the forum wrote that he had problems with the version v3.0a-1.500 not saved changes, and some strange frequency 4294967МГц appeared. Screenshot here: https://yadi.sk/i/JL1AFxAZ3Lh2Dv On v3.0vc-1500 had no problems. Uses Kernel+Adiutor+v0.9.71.1 P(b239)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Hmm,very strange indeed. I have had this bizarre frequency a couple of times. I think it's just s bug in the build. I've always resolved it by uninstalling and reinstalling. I have no problems with the mod though in general. I guess its just another of those weird things.

I'm not sure how to go about having all the features I've added available then though. I've added msm sleeper hotplug and a "dynamic dirty writeback" patch,but they only show up in the modded version. Again,these features are a couple of builds away or so I think,but still. Maybe I will need to start messing with synapse again,err,lol.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity I did not notice any differences in the functions in Kernel Adiutor-Mod and the usual version. Basically, this is a graphical change and added the switch point of the selinux and disabling the log. There are no more differences. No need to return to synapse.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Yes,you're right. There are no major differences...now,but I test both to make sure things are working properly and msm sleeper hotplug and the adjustments for the dynamic dirty writeback only show up in the modded version :(

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity And what about the v3a - 1500 kernel? There's something strange said. There was a frequency of 4294967MHz and settings do not apply.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

When it's time I'll try Installed Kernel Adiutor-Mod [V15] again, maybe I did something wrong.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk I can't say why the settings wouldn't apply with the modded version. I have no issues with this. The weird frequency I've had a few times. Not sure why this happens,but I've always resolved it fairly easily. As you say,we will just wait until I add the features that don't show in kernel adiutor and then I'll worry about it and see if I can figure something out if the modded version is still unstable.

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

Because I'm lazy sometimes, I just do a global undervolt to -100. Especially in the lower frequencies I can't do more because the phone reboots in an instant. The darkness governor keeps the phone as long as possible in the low frequencies without sacrificing the overall smoothness.


Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Yeah, the governor really does play a part in how low you can set the frequencies. Darkness is a very conservative governor. I guess that's why you can't set the lower frequencies below 750 -775mV. I'm able to go to 675mV, @Oleggluk as well. However, I tend to stay around 700-725 as I've had a few reboots at 675. I use zzmoove a lot,but try to test a lot of governors out.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Is there any news about Paranoid Android?


I have a small request, do not include in the firmware updates RR Magisk. Is this possible? The built-in Magisk is not very stable. Installing a new Magisk is not difficult through twrp. Thank you.

RR was updated to 5.8.4.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

Check connection)

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

I do not keep that rom in xda, I only build it from time to time on request, but I suppose I can do that, as far as paranoid, I tried to build that rom and I still do not get results, anyway, I'll try to build those two roms today same.

edit 1: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=961840155545587292 RR 5.8.4 already :)

jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

image I get this error when I build aospa

Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Thanks again for the RR! I'm using this from now on. Regarding XOSP: the developer plans to make a substratum theme in XOSP style. At least this something for later "nostalgia" ;) @Oleggluk If you don't prefer magisk or it doesn't work, you can use the "addonsu-arm-signed.zip" from the lineage os download page. This package works in RR too (I tested it).

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Thank you. I'm using magisk. But I do not like how it works when it's built into the firmware. I install it myself.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

Everyone seems to love RR but me. I'm an outsider lol. Either way thanks for building! About that AOSPA error. Interesting, it seems as if its failing to remove a file that's just not there. Not sure why. I can only guess that is has to do with their kernel build script. Maybe try to use the prebuilt kernel method like I've mentioned before on here. You can always grab the zImage from my kernel zip if you don't wanna build it. Although with you build setup I bet it takes a minute to build a kernel.

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

I happen the same @Spookcity almost all love RR, but I do not understand its magic, I prefer crdroid, I feel that its battery consumption is lower and its configurations are enough. I have compiled an update of AOKP, I leave the link. ( On paranoid) I wrote what you left previously in Boardconfig.mk and I still get the same, you want to try? I lend you the VM https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298977236

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Attention, attention :D. Installed this version https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673368273298974457, new settings for HotPlug appeared, you can configure the threshold for the increase in the number of cores. For example, at the frequency of the first 1200 kernel, the second core is turned on, when the second core of frequency 1300 reaches the third core is turned on .. Or I misunderstood, but it works)) Very much I ask you to check this version of kerneladiutor. And by the way, governors alucard and ondemanplus do not work, to be exact, do not work properly.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Thank you for the offer. I am super busy right now and for the next few days. Perhaps after that. I may just try to download and see on my computer. I'm honestly not sure how to fix that error though. I would have to do some searching. Also,thanks for updating AOKP. I will put the link in the main AOKP thread with your permission of course.

@Oleggluk Interesting,this is why I wanted to get synapse going. The standard kernel adiutor doesn't show everything and then there are modded versions which show more and/or different things. It would just be easier to have 1 app,but I don't know. Synapse is time consuming for me to set up. I will try this version out. Let me get this straight though...Do alucard and ondemandplus work properly on the standard kernel adiutor? Is it just this version they dont work with or both?

Edit: Well I can say instantly that this seems to be a very nice mod of kernel adiutor. It shows everything it should as well as other important features related to hotplug governors. I will continue to play with it. The only worry I have is it's made specific for the Motorola. Probably not a big deal though. Maybe it's time I start trying to mess with modding and building apk's and see if I can create a modded version.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity "Do alucard and ondemandplus work properly on the standard kernel adiutor? Is it just this version they dont work with or both?" I used different versions kerneladiutor, starting with the version from Google Play and ending with three more mods found on the Internet. These governors do not work correctly on all versions, they should regulate the frequency and the description is very good for the battery, but they do not regulate the frequency but keep the maximum, from this I conclude that they are not tuned for our apparatus.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk OK, thanks a lot for the info. I will look into this and see if I'm able to tune or fix these 2 governors.

Edit: Yeah, they seemingly both just stay at the max frequency...Or at least stay there for too long. I only looked at it for a minute, but that is indeed not right

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

Everyone has a different taste. I don't love RR but it's a great ROM with (too) many features. But this ROM has the "accidental touch" already copied from PA which is indeed very useful. Regarding Kernel Adiutor mod: I don't use it anymore until an update appears or other free apps that are maintained are available. @Spookcity You could also "just" implement Spectrum (XDA), the downside is that the users can't tweak themselves.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Yeah, thanks for the suggestion about spectrum. I've already thought about this and looked into it some, but while I think it would be useful for some certainly due to it's simplicity. I don't like the idea of not being able to tweak things. Plus I'd have to create the different profiles. I'd need help with that as I don't really know, so in the end it just seems like it's not really worth it. I also agree about kernel adiutor mod. The main one is a year old. I still use it, but have been playing around with the modded version @Oleggluk linked and it is up to date and seems really nice.

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Alright I'm going to try the mod from @Oleggluk . Found another synapse in this thread (XDA) and will try this also. If this fails I will just make a script with some "essential" settings.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo I've experimented with UKM. It's nice and works better than just synapse "out of the box" but without being properly setup it still fails reading many things.

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity I've tested UKM and it does seem to work but looks really awful. The Adiutor Mod from the user BHB27 seems to be a normal mod version from Kernel Adiutor with some nice additions like the log stuff so that one is good. In addition to the 2 governors that behave strange I have another one: blueactive. This one locks the frequency at max. Ondemandplus locks at 800 MHz for me and alucard locks the max frequency when the screen is on and goes 3 cpu steps down when the screen is off. Btw.: AOSP Extended released a new update with the 2 new features from paranoid.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Yeah,I didn't really like UKM. I have opened the KA27 mod that @Oleggluk linked in android studio. There are what I believe to be profiles for about 10 different devices.I may try to see if I'm able to tweak or edit some things for our device. No promises on that as I'm not very experienced in app building,but its something I've been meaning to learn more about for awhile,so this may be that opportunity. Also,I didn't think I had any issues with blueactive,but I will look into this as well. Thanks for the heads up on AEX. I'll try to see if I can get a successful build sometime soon.

Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity What about support for zram in the kernel?

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Yeah,I can certainly look into it and try to get that going. I'm definitely open to suggestions and ideas. As long as they add something useful to the kernel...Or at least don't cause issues. I'll try to get a test build up over the weekend with some new features... And fixed alucard and ondemandplus governors, which I believe I've already fixed..Fingers crossed. Still gotta look into bluactive.

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jimmy999x commented 7 years ago

Of course you can post the rom AOKP, I did that to share :)

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@jimmy999x Thanks! I figured as much,but didn't want to just assume. I'll do that tomorrow then. With proper credits given to you of course. Thanks again!

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity The I / O "row" scheduler locks the phone. Helps only pulling out the battery or forced reloading with two buttons.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk I was just getting ready to say that I don't have this problem..Until it happened to me. It was fine until my screen went off and then it locked up. I pulled the battery, restarted and it has been fine since with row I/O scheduler,so I'm not sure what to think. I'll certainly look into it, but it may be difficulty to track down as I can't seem to reproduce this now. Thanks for pointing it out! I really do need people to tell me issues they have because I can't test everything.

Edit: After some more playing around with row I/O scheduler I can say that something is indeed wrong. I've had my phone lockup twice with it set now. I'll look into this and hopefully fix it.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Another modification of adiutor https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=70227707&postcount=2 made specifically for Exynos 5420 devices

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk Nice find! I will definitely give it a try.

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Some guy on xda mentioned random reboots. I have them too but so far only when the governor zzmove is set. The profile for this gov. doesn't seem to matter.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Thanks for the info. Perhaps it is zzmoove related then as the other person who was having random reboots was also using it also. I used to use zzmoove a lot,but haven't recently. I will certainly look into this. Thanks!

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity I always use zzmoove (because you recommended it to me) and it works fine. I'm running v4.0 with AEX v4.3 and I haven't had any reboots, unlike others.

The battery life has been amazing by the way (considering the fact that our device's battery isn't huge), I got 4 hours of screen on time yesterday and I'll probably get 3.75 hours of SOT today.

You said you were using a different kernel lately. Which one is it and what made you switch?

Do you have any updates on AEX v4.5? Just out of curiosity—there's no need to hurry or anything.

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@StanNL I personally prefer zzmoove as well and have only switched recently just to test other governors...And fix some. I never had any issues with zzmoove either,but its been a couple of weeks since I've used it. I believe I've fixed the issues with alucard,ondemandplus and bluactive,so I will be going back to zzmoove. I'm curious if I'll have any reboots.

I also am very happy with my battery life with the kernel. I really feel that the last 2 versions have gotten a lot closer to where I want it. I've added a decent amount of tweaks and other goodies since as well. Some will be part of a test build that I hope to release on here tomorrow or Sunday. Hopefully they help improve the kernel even more with no negative effects. We shall see.

I have built AEX 4.5 last night. They have added a feature to select whether or not the home button wakes the device. Well,it's grayed out for some reason and the home button doesn't wake the device. So I'm currently trying to figure that out. Also, as with newer builds of LOS,the phone version is just G800 not G800F. This is confusing,but I don't believe I'll have the time to figure that out for this build. Hopefully I'll sort out the home button issue and get the new version up over the weekend.

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Oleggluk commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity 11 2017 212635 gmt 0300

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Oleggluk I'd recommend not using that voltage. Haha No,I have no clue what that's about. I have to guess its due to synapse not being setup properly and how it reads certain things. I'll double check my voltage table setup,but I think they are correct.

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HaxXorHardy commented 7 years ago

Hi i got random restarts with this kernel: Spookcity_Kernel-N_v3.0a. I dont know why :( Here is the logcat output: Log_2017-08-11_13-54-47_Part2.txt Log_2017-08-12_06-43-30.txt

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@HaxXorHardy Thanks for the log. Unfortunately fasthub refuses to let me view it so I'll need to have a look when I'm on my laptop later. It is strange that some have these random reboots. I bet I've had less than 5 in all of my builds and tests. I'm also using zzmoove as of last night again and no reboots. Hopefully your log will have some useful info. I'll get back to you on that.

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Mikahlo commented 7 years ago

@Spookcity Hola! Had another reboot. I'm not sure if I changed anything. Logs ect. are in my "repo". Maybe these reboots are ROM related?

Spookcity commented 7 years ago

@Mikahlo Thank you! A quick look at your log shows a kernel panic. I need to look more into it to see if I can find the exact cause,but hopefully I'm able. @HaxXorHardy I saw nothing in your logs that showed me the reason of reboot. Hopefully @Mikahlo logs will show more more when I have the time to look closer. Thanks guys!

HaxXorHardy commented 7 years ago

Is there a good tool to record logs without a PC?

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