Spookcity / ROMS-G800F

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Android P development #26

Closed Spookcity closed 4 years ago

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Place to discuss development of Android Pie for the G800F/M/Y

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

OK,I Have pushed all of my Android 9 branches. I opened this issue on here to discuss this. Although,I am certainly open to other means of communication. It doesn't matter to me. I worked on the device trees for a few hours this morning with good success as many things are now working. @friedensfurz I have made my last build using yours and @cschsz CVE kernel branch. It runs nicely in my testing and the battery life compared to the standard 15.1 kernel seems to be much improved. Good job. I have pushed this to my P branch. I Needed to make This commit in order for it to build inline. Hardware overlays are broken so I have temporarily added This commit to disable them on boot. Otherwise setup wizard crashes along with other things in settings. This is a temp solution and we should try to fix this. I recommend building without the commit (as I will too) so we can try to solve the problem...What else

This commit Also should be looked into more at some point. It was a quick fix to build. I am unsure of any unwanted consequences at this point.

Things that def don't work

Things that seem to work properly


All in all it seems pretty stable. I've had no random reboots or crashes (not counting the HW overlay issues)

I update the local manifests (hopefully correctly) So it will be easier to build. Local Manifests

As I see it the biggest issues seem to be Nfc,storage,SMS,HW overlays and the camera. If we can get these fixed we could release a test build on XDA if we are so inclined. Although our forums appear to be rather dead lately.

The build process is the same as always. Sync the sources. Apply the patches and build. If anyone needs any help I will try my best. I will inlcude my build from this morning in case anyone wants to test it out before they build (to get logs etc)

Big thanks to the Lineage dev team for all of their hard work and Tobias (hennymcc) who brought us many version of Android. Anyway,happy developing. Lets get these issue sorted! :+1:

LineageOS 16.0 - Download

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

Hi and many thanks for your effort and your information. Repos are synched now and build is running. There are a few missing revisions and remote entries in the manifests. Also the samsung service mode seems not to be usable with 14.1 branch anymore. Just minor things of course. What I had to add to manifest, because of build error, is: prebuilds_lineage-sdk. Here is the roomservice I am building currently: roomservice.txt

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Ahh,good catch on the lineage-sdk. I synced that a couple of weeks ago when i initially started messing with LOS 16 and forgot about it. I assumed it would have been added to their default manifest by now,but I guess not. As far as SamsungServiceMode... I forgot about this,but its an easy fix just add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true to the Android.mk and it should build fine.

Edit: Also,we probably need to do something like This to get nfc working.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

not a problem :-) Cool thanks for the info, I will add it and start a new build or although maybe I will led it finish first :-) and add it in next build....

IamEld3st commented 5 years ago

Its better to build after every change to see if it breaks more stuff than fixes... Also hello all I've been having a lot of personal things and didn't have much time trying to port kernel to a higher version... :)

Edit: Is video encoder still working? As in there isn't the bug of video "zoom"? :D

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@IamEld3st Good to have ya around. I have not tested the video zoom issue at all. I've only very shortly tested video playback in the browser. I have not even installed gapps to test out youtube as of yet.

Also,I just forked cm's SamsungServiceMode.Made the needed change and updated the Local Manifests

Err,should have added lineage-sdk as well. Perhaps tomorrow :)

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

I am getting build errors with lineage-sdk. Do you have an idea? Haven't found anything with google and I haven't seen or had that error(s) before. In total 17 errors, first is: lineage-sdk/sdk/src/java/lineageos/preference/ConstraintsHelper.java:43: error: package lineageos.platform does not exist import lineageos.platform.R; Any help is appreciated 👍 :-)

IamEld3st commented 5 years ago

Did you download all requirements?

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

I am using the manifest from leos and additionally the local manifest from above comment. Also I updated my local sdk and ndk to android 9. Not sure whether my build environment ist the problem or the sources. Oreo had been built without problems recently, but this won't help to find the solution, I know. Not sure whether and what repo could be missing.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 I was looking at your comment from the other day about the lineage-sdk. I had to manually sync the main lineage-sdk,not the prebuilts/lineage-sdk. I think its not needed/ready yet. I just looked at my sources. I don't have that. I'd delete it from your sources.

Edit: I've had no errors related to lineage-sdk.

Edit 2: I now see that it seems that error is from the main lineage-sdk. Perhaps something there has changes recently. I haven't synced and done a clean build in a couple of days. I'm just not real sure.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

If I remove prebuilts/lineage-sdk I am getting error regarding missing 9.txt. I synced the 15.1 prebuilts sdk but getting same 17 errors as before. The main lineage-sdk had been added to default manifest/snippets in august I guess, and this is what I have synced: https://github.com/LineageOS/android/commit/1c75b0f195f63c0589c5ebbb53ee54d10ef8b52a all errors I copied to pastebin, maybe this is a better information: https://pastebin.com/G69g4ELM

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Hmm,interesting. I just had a look at my sources. I did indeed manually sync a couple of other repos,sorry. No idea if the issue lies there however. I do things in a rather strange/not very smart way sometimes :) THe packages you have synced are correct. These are the 2 repos I have manually synced up: android_packages_apps_SettingsIntelligence android_packages_apps_Gallery2 Both go in packages/apps. Hopefully that helps. I am going to sync up and do a clean build later. I will see what happens.

Hmm,well both of those repos are indeed in the default manifest now,so I am unsure. I will have a closer look at my sources when I have time.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your effort. I am unsure whether your changes in this app repos are the source of my errors. If it is so, I would estimate that klte and others would also have problems with their current builds. But I cannot find anything related on gerrit or with google. I am currently building with not all your patches for bionic, which reseted my almost finished build nearly to clean :-) and will now last another couple of time again. I would guess its somewhere in the changes (patches?) or device repos, or of course its a mistake or missing datas on my end. For sorting this out, I would appreciate whether you or someone else could make a new repo sync and start a new build for verification my dump problems :-)

Edit: if it fails again I will do a new repo sync force sync and build klte for verification. I don't own that device, but I expect, that this should finish with all original repos.

Edit2: I found this repo at haggertks github: https://github.com/haggertk/cm_build_stuff/blob/lineage-16.0/picks.sh and there is also included:


repopick 225581 # lineage-sdk: Make styles init at system services ready repopick 230856 # sdk: Don't clear calling identify when calling IOverlayManager.setEnabled()

could this be related to my error? And also the apps you have edited are in this picks.sh a separate style commit is also created: https://github.com/haggertk/cm_build_stuff/commit/c3d3d49217609a6f4ed59ab52bee4e8c48d7195a

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

It is def possible. I have done a sync and am currently doing a clean build. I think you will run into bionic errors however without a couple of those patches. I wish I had done things a little smarter. I just am fairly new to version control/git. So at this point I am a bit unsure if I have made changes to other sources (aside from device stuff) Live and learn. I deleted lineage-sdk to make sure I have a clean tree. We will see. I will let you know in a bit what my results are. I'm also positive that I don't have external/lineage-sdk and it has built fine in the past without it.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

No bionic errors, but the same sdk errors as previously stopped the build...grrr...will take a look at haggertks picks.sh

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Yeah,my build is still going. Takes me about 2 hours for a clean build I think. At this point there is a def possibility that I used some of his picks when I started messing with LOS 16. Him being a great dev for the klte and all. I have edited a version of his picks.sh. I removed all device specific and Qcom stuff. Plus I commented out a few that I am nearly sure will break our build. If I were you I would just go ahead and save this to your source folder as picks.sh. Make it executable and run ./picks.sh and see what happens.

I'll just upload to pastbin I guess as I cant upload it here. picks.sh

All credit to haggertk

Edit: Just thinking,if you go that route by using the picks.sh. You probably need to sync. Then run the picks.sh before you apply the device specific patches. Otherwise it may not work out. Not sure.

Edit2: OK,my build has finished without any issues. So,if I had to guess..which I suppose is the position I've put myself in,I'd say that it is highly likely that it is one or a combination of those picks. I always use the --force-sync flag when syncing my sources,but I'm unsure if that "resets" everything properly or not.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

thanks again for your great effort 👍 ...in the meanwhile I also "used" most of his picks in picks.sh, but after 2 hours build stopped again with same errors. So I am quite sure the mistake is on my side, also your positive try supports my thoughts. But I am currently a bit lost and motivation is down :-). Will do a complete new sync, try your pick.sh and start a build soon in a while.

btw how is your new version running. Is something changed or fixed with the commits and infos from haggertk?

jimmy999x commented 5 years ago

2018-10-13-123442_1366x768_scrot hello, I'm back, maybe someone reminds me, I've developed roms for the s5 mini, unfortunately I've changed my device and now I'm working for the motorola moto g5 (cedric) but I've encountered this problem, I do not remember how to solve it, I hope that @spookcity me of a hand, if I do not equiovoco had to move the file recovery to the folder out and deactivate the option to create recovery in the device.mk, right?

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

as far as I remember, it could be that lz4 is missing on your linux machine?1? Maybe sudo apt-get install liblz4-tool could solve the problem?...or what I also read, is installing lzop may help

jimmy999x commented 5 years ago

Yes, I have been ridiculous, I did not read what I said at the end, I installed that and is already compiling, thank you very much

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 No problem. I am always glad to try to help out. I did not run the picks.sh script before my last build. I did not do any repo picks at all. I haven't for my last few builds for sure. I am just not sure if I had in the past. I probably did. The problem is that I am just unsure if when I sync up (even using --force-sync as I always do) if any repo picks or whatnot would be "reset" I can say for sure that I completely deleted my android_lineage-sdk folder and synced fresh,so any picks for that would not solve your errors. It is going to turn out to be something simple I'm sure. It always seems to turn out that way.

@jimmy999x Hey! Glad you got the issue sorted.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

finally: #### build completed successfully (01:05:54 (hh:mm:ss)) #### And guess what? I only changed the build command to mka bacon, after breakfast, then picks.sh, then brunch. Now I need to check your patches, because I have no sound, sim and signal is working, but no call possible and waking up the device after screen turns off (with home button and with power button) is problematic, will say extrem slow. But I think this might be solved (partly?) with applying a couple of your patches. Otherwise will I will try too find solutions :-).

Edit: Sound and calls are working now. Will test and check other things now...

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Yay! Thats great news! I knew it would happen at some point. The ColorFade patch is important and you will have all sorts of weird issues without it. Including reboots.

I spent some time this morning trying to research a bit about the storage issue. Without too much luck. My guess is that we are missing commit(s) in our kernel repo. I'm not sure though. I have a busy afternoon,but if I have some time later tonight I'll try to look into it some more.

Another note: I had about 60% battery drain overnight last night. That's the 2nd time that's happened. All other nights I lose -7% overnight. I will install BBS or similar and if it happens again try to figure it out because I couldn't get any useful info from the battery section within the system.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info. Applied that patch but getting reboot to recovery after approx. 10 minutes. Will try to get some logcats, maybe that helps to identify some problems.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Hmm,interesting. I haven't had a single reboot since the first week I started messing with LOS16. I have to think it's down to a patch or two. Either way, a log should hopefully clear it up some.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

@Spookcity thanks for your latest commits, camera is now not closing anymore after start. Haven't tested it much, but its working great so far. Gongrats and many thanks 👍 Great work. In the meantime I have tried a bit around and with nfc and took almost all paths and sources from klte/common. I got it visible in settings and can set the slider once to enabled. But it returns immediately to off again and then cannot be enabled anymore. Maybe its a bad idea, but it was a progress anyways :-) btw I noticed that the bluetooth icon in statusbar is missing, if enabled. I searched around but haven't found any info where to look for a fix. Do you have an idea, where in settings or overlay it can be set to visible or true? I guess the same will be with the nfc icon, if it can be enabled too.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Nice,thats good news! I've been running LOS 16 exclusively for about a week now and have had no real issues aside from the ones we already know exist. The camera seems to be at about the same state as it is with Oreo ROMS now at least. Meaning photos work with stock camera app,but video recording does not. Also,if trying to record video with stock camera app the mediaserver will continue to eat up the battery very quickly. I have recorded a few videos with footej camera and it seems to work fine. I assume some others would as well.

You are def on the right track with NFC.I have not been able to get it to show in settings at all. So I would say to continue on the path you're on. It is progress indeed. I spent the most of my time lately on the camera and trying to get HW overlays to work. I have tried a few things to get them working without luck so far. Lineage Gerrit Lineage Gerrit I've tried those 2 patches along with the appropriate boardconfig flag along with trying to adapt This for our HWC.cpp without any luck. Both seem to be possibly relevant to our issue though from examining the log.

I have downloaded the latest stock Samsung ROM and am going to try to update some proprietary blobs. We are still using LP libs for our libion_exynos and gralloc.exynos3 and still using KK libs for our hwcomposer.exynos3 related files. I don't remember exactly why off hand,but I can only assume that newer versions did not work. Maybe by some miracle they will now.

I'm not really sure about the bluetooth/nfc icons in the status bar. It is going to be a lineage thing though. I did a quick search for a patch to add them on Lineages's code review but didn't find anything relevant. I can say that I would imagine that the needed additions would be added to file(s) withing frameworks/base/core though. If thats any help at all. I'm sure this will be added by LOS at some point though.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the info. I will try to sort out my device repos according to the nfc changes I tried and push them to my github. Maybe you are interested and have a look at it. According to camera, I have added this: repopick 225265 # Add Storage preference (1/2) and noticed that after selecting the external SD card in camera settings, which appears after this commit, the camera stops working with: please insert external sd card first. Then camera almost died, but does not force close. Maybe that helps locating where to look for a solution? Cool idea with updating the bloobs, I unfortunately have to less knowledge to assist in this case. According to icons: I thought the same, that it is a general lineage problem or not complete included sources. I saw some open commits about appops and privacy guard, but cherry picking this, did not change anything. On the other hand, I haven't searched on xda, whether other devices have the same problem. Yes the rom is now quite stable and maybe you will think about releasing an alpha or beta version?!? From my point of you, the time has come now or will be there soon :-)

Edit: here are 2 sceenshots from nfc visible screenshot_20181105-210315_einstellungen and slider switched screenshot_20181105-210459_einstellungen but enabling not complete or persisting

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

ok I have uploaded a test branch with changes to klte nfc. Currently its linked to klte-common, which I also synched to my local sources. I was a bit lacy so made this hack :-), but I will change and correct it to our devices folder. So please don't laugh at my commits :-). Also a few other test changes are in this commit, not related to nfc, will clean it in a few.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Great! Thanks a lot for doing that. it should def be helpful. Hopefully I'll find a little free time this week to look into it. Along with perhaps updating some proprietary libs. I was examining the latest stock ROM yesterday and there have been minor updates to the default_gain.conf and the WiFi confs. I will push these in a minute. They are untested,but I don't see any reason why they should break things. If we notice that they do I'll just revert the commits.

Interesting issue with the camera. I will use that repo pick as well next time I build and see if I can sort it out. I just wonder if its a camera issue or device storage issue. Either way,there are certainly some weird issues with our storage still. I believe all relating to sdcardfs. When I was trying to get the internal storage to be accessible one of the things I tried was a patch to bring back fuse support as well as disabling sdcardfs in the kernel. This also fixed that issue,but wasn't really a solution. I think we are still missing some pieces in our kernel repo for sdcardfs.

I will,given that I have some time release a build on XDA over the weekend perhaps. It does seem ready for an alpha or beta build at least I think too.

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

"Missing" bluetooth icon in statusbar seems to be a feature :-) ?!? Because if the device is connected to an other it is visible. Not sure whether this is a bug or a feature :-) img_20181108_204502

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Hmm,interesting. I suppose this is a new "feature in Android 9 then. I don't know. I'm with you however,I'd like to see the icon anytime Bluetooth is on. Not just when connected.

I had a bit of time yesterday to mess with NFC a bit. This and This is enough to get NFC to show in settings. However,same as you had,it doesn't work. Logcat still shows a fatal crash. Hopefully I'll find some time over the weekend to look into it some more.

On another note: My build from yesterday had the camera broken again. I tracked it down to This commit Strange though as hwbinder was working fine. Either way,no biggie we'll just change it back. Just not sure why it was working until yesterday.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

So,it was my intention to release a build of LOS 16 On XDA over the weekend. However,I built on Sunday and I now Bluetooth has major issues. It keeps force closing,so you just keep getting a popup saying "Bluetooth has stopped" It's being caused by a NULL pointer dereference. So its throwing a segmentation faults constantly. I had a few minor changes to my local files,but reset them and built again this morning.Same thing. Perhaps @rodman01 if you do a build you can let me know if the same happens to you. I have no idea at this point why it would just be on my end,but stranger things have happened. I assume it's with the LOS sources,but who knows. I did a little searching for Bluetooth related commits and didn't find anything that seemed relevant.

aelfinn commented 5 years ago

FWIW, if you need another ‘plain user’ tester, I’d be keen to give P a spin. :)

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

I still have the build from 5 days ago where the screenshots above had been made from and bluetooth is working fine. But in this build the framework base commit about bluetooth battery are not yet included. Maybe this crashed the bluetooth in your build. Another difference are the commits about styles, but I think this are not the reason of the break. Also new and not synched yet is this commit in broadcom_libbt repo. Maybe I find the time to sync my sources the next days and build a new version, then I will report back whether bluetooth is still working. Latest I tried to include sdcardfs commits to fix camera sd card issue, similar to friedensfurz latest commits, but without success. Got merge errors and if I solve them build stops with errors. Also Friedensfurz kernel repo stops with errors and I cannot build a kernel with his current source, maybe its broken or I missed something. Sorry for not being a big help at the moment.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Thank you! It seems to be the broadcom_libbt commit you posted. Thats a big help right there. I didn't see that. I really appreciate it :+1: I think perhaps This will solve it. If not I will create a patch to revert the broadcom_libbt commit. I certainly know the time it takes to do this stuff. Real life stuff comes first. So anything you can do is appreciated. I also tried to use the latest sources from friedensfurz kernel repo. It doesn't build for me either,so its not just you. I was in the process of cherry-picking commits to try to get it closer to his repo and perhaps figure out whats up when the Bluetooth issue came up. Hopefully this is now solved,so I shall continue this (and looking into NFC) now when I have time.

@aelfinn I appreciate that. At this point I am going to try to look into NFC some this week and hopefully I will be releasing a first build on XDA this weekend

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

Sorry for not helping and posting the last week or almost last two...I had to pass my s5 mini to my sister in law, because her S7 edge was soft bricked. In the meantime I fixed it and now I am looking forward to receiving my mini back soon. Most probably tomorrow but not sure. Then I can restart again with building and testing. Just to give you a short info, that I am not lost or gone :-)

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@rodman01 Great to hear! Any help you're able to provide will be greatly appreciated. I haven't had time lately myself to look into any of the issues,but it seems based on what I know and the XDA thread that the big issues are:

And a few other things to look into down the road. The Whatsapp backup issue and not being able to send any media via Telegram. Hopefully I will be able to find some time soon to look into a few of these.

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

Ehy @Spookcity , I'm having issues with fetching lineageos 16 (both with "repo sync" and "repo sync --force-sync". It gaves me that:

Fetching projects:  97% (703/724)  Fetching project LineageOS/android_hardware_qcom_media
fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/lineage-16.0
Fetching projects:  98% (710/724)  Fetching project LineageOS/android_hardware_qcom_audio
Fetching projects:  99% (717/724)  Fetching project LineageOS/android_hardware_qcom_media
fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/lineage-16.0
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS/android_external_stlport

error: Exited sync due to fetch errors

Do you think I should delete all and do a "repo init" again?

rodman01 commented 5 years ago

The newest stlport branch is 15.1, so just switch it to that in manifest and resync again, no need to delete everything again

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Hey @andrea224 Thats my bad. I didn't add a revision to stlport,so I guess it was just defaulting to the non existing lineage-16.0 branch. I have pushed a commit that should fix it though. What @rodman01 said will work.

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

Well, thanks to both @rodman01 and @Spookcity , but anyway I found other errors before the build starts, so for now I'm giving up.

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

Dear @Spookcity , I would like to build LOS 16.0 from your sources, but I'm encountering some issues during it, so I may ask you some help. First of all I encountered this:

FAILED: /home/andrea/android/los16/out/soong/build.ninja 
/home/andrea/android/los16/out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build -t -l /home/andrea/android/los16/out/.module_paths/Android.bp.list -b /home/andrea/android/los16/out/soong -n /home/andrea/android/los16/out -d /home/andrea/android/los16/out/soong/build.ninja.d -o /home/andrea/android/los16/out/soong/build.ninja Android.bp
error: bootable/recovery/otafault/Android.bp:15:1: module "libotafault" already defined
       bootable/recovery-twrp/otafault/Android.bp:15:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery/otafault/Android.bp:50:1: module "otafault_test" already defined
       bootable/recovery-twrp/otafault/Android.bp:50:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/edify/Android.bp:15:1: module "libedify" already defined
       bootable/recovery/edify/Android.bp:15:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:15:1: module "applypatch_defaults" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:15:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:30:1: module "libapplypatch" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:30:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/bootloader_message/Android.bp:17:1: module "libbootloader_message" already defined
       bootable/recovery/bootloader_message/Android.bp:17:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:68:1: module "libapplypatch_modes" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:68:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:88:1: module "applypatch" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:88:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:119:1: module "libimgdiff" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:119:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:149:1: module "imgdiff" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:149:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/applypatch/Android.bp:176:1: module "libimgpatch" already defined
       bootable/recovery/applypatch/Android.bp:176:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery/uncrypt/Android.bp:15:1: module "uncrypt" already defined
       bootable/recovery-twrp/uncrypt/Android.bp:15:1 <-- previous definition here
error: bootable/recovery-twrp/otautil/Android.bp:15:1: module "libotautil" already defined
       bootable/recovery/otautil/Android.bp:15:1 <-- previous definition here
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
14:26:37 soong bootstrap failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (32 seconds) ####

I don't know whose fault it is, but anyway I solved it deleting the folder "recovery" in "bootable" and reneaming "recovery-twrp" to "recovery". However, once I've done this, it gaves me this error:

[ 80% 4/5] glob frameworks/base/services/core/java/**/*.java
ninja: error: '/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libminui_intermediates/libminui.a', needed by '/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/EXECUTABLES/charger_intermediates/LINKED/charger', missing and no known rule to make it
14:37:39 ninja failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (01:19 (mm:ss)) ####

What should I do now?

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Hey @andrea224 Again my bad. Don't use omnirom's recovery. So delete your bootable recovery folder as well as the twrp.xml from your local manifest. Then sync LineageOS recovery or you should just be able to do a repo sync and get it. You may need to make clean or make clobber before building again though. That should solve that.

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

Great, now at least it starts to build, even if then it stopped here:

[  7% 5229/74090] Building Kernel Config
FAILED: /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config 
/bin/bash -c "(make -j4  CFLAGS_MODULE=\"-fno-pic\" -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   VARIANT_DEFCONFIG= SELINUX_DEFCONFIG= kminilte_00_defconfig ) && (if [ ! -z \"\" ]; then          echo \"Overriding kernel config with ''\";          echo  >> /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config;      make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   oldconfig; fi ) && (make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   savedefconfig ) && (if [ ! -z \"\" ]; then           echo \"Using additional config ''\";            kernel/samsung/kminilte/scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m -O /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config kernel/samsung/kminilte/arch/arm/configs/;             make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config alldefconfig; fi )"
make: ingresso nella directory "/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte"
  GEN     /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte/scripts/basic/fixdep.c:106:10: fatal error: sys/types.h: File o directory non esistente
 #include <sys/types.h>
compilation terminated.
scripts/Makefile.host:118: recipe for target 'scripts/basic/fixdep' failed
make[2]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1
/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte/Makefile:414: recipe for target 'scripts_basic' failed
make[1]: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2
Makefile:130: recipe for target 'sub-make' failed
make: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make: uscita dalla directory "/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte"
[  7% 5238/74090] target thumb C++: libtextclassifier <= external/libtextclassifier/text-classifier.cc
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
15:27:48 ninja failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (07:36 (mm:ss)) ####

P.S. Sorry if I'm bothering you.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@andrea224 No bother. Hmm,try to change into the kminilte kernel directory and run "make mrproper" I've had issues like this before that were related to a dirty kernel directory. You're using my P branch for the kernel right?

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

@Spookcity yes, I'm using your P branches for all the device related sources. So, firstly I've re-runned the "mka clean" command just for being sure, then I've done what you said: I went to "kernel/samsung/kminilte" and runned "make mrproper" giving this:

make: ../PLATFORM/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi-gcc: Command not found

#### build completed successfully (5 seconds) ####

But then I thought that something wasn't going good, so I runned "mka mrproper" instead:

ninja: no work to do.
ninja: no work to do.
wildcard(/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/clean_steps.mk) was changed, regenerating...
$(file </home/andrea/android/los16/out/build_number.txt) was changed, regenerating...
[24/1027] including development/build/Android.mk ...
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: android_stubs_current 
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: metalava_android_stubs_current metalava_android_stubs_current
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: android_system_stubs_current 
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: android_test_stubs_current 
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: metalava_android_system_stubs_current metalava_android_system_stubs_current
development/build/build_android_stubs.mk:43: warning: metalava_android_test_stubs_current metalava_android_test_stubs_current
[112/1027] including device/samsung/kminilte/Android.mk ...
YD>>LOCAL_MODULE=sensors.universal3470, LOCAL_SRC_FILES=sensors.cpp HeartRateSensor.cpp LightSensor.cpp ProximitySensor.cpp, LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES=libinvensense_hal libcutils libutils libdl liblog libmllite libhardware_legacy
[267/1027] including frameworks/av/camera/Android.mk ...
frameworks/av/camera/cameraserver/Android.mk:18: warning: Target has integrated cameraserver into mediaserver. This is weakening security measures introduced in 7.0
[615/1027] including system/sepolicy/Android.mk ...
system/sepolicy/Android.mk:79: warning: BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS not specified, assuming current platform version
system/sepolicy/Android.mk:89: warning: Be careful when using the SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS flag. It does not work in user builds and using it will not stop you from failing CTS.
[1027/1027] including vendor/qcom/opensource/dataservices/Android.mk ...
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/lib/libdisplay.so'
build/make/core/base_rules.mk:412: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/lib/libdisplay.so'
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/bin/macloader'
build/make/core/base_rules.mk:412: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/bin/macloader'
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'
build/make/core/base_rules.mk:412: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'
build/make/core/Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.media.omx@1.0-service.rc'
build/make/core/base_rules.mk:426: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/system/vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.media.omx@1.0-service.rc'
ninja: error: unknown target 'mrproper'
16:49:34 ninja failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (39 seconds) ####

In the end, I tried running only "mka" and it gaves to me this at the end:

ninja: error: 'prebuilts/lineage-sdk/api/9.txt', needed by '/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkpublicapi-lineage-last-timestamp', missing and no known rule to make it
16:52:37 ninja failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (39 seconds) ####
Spookcity commented 5 years ago

@andrea224 Yeah,that error when you ran "make mrproper" is expected. I thought it would still work though. I'm not really sure at this point honestly. I can't say I've had this issue. A last thing to try it to remove the kminilte kernel folder and sync/clone a clean kernel tree. I would have to think that would work. Fingers crossed.

andrea224 commented 5 years ago

@Spookcity I've done as you said and even further to improve the chances, but with no good results. This is what I'm getting now:

[  5% 4157/74090] Building Kernel Config
FAILED: /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config 
/bin/bash -c "(make -j4  CFLAGS_MODULE=\"-fno-pic\" -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   VARIANT_DEFCONFIG= SELINUX_DEFCONFIG= kminilte_00_defconfig ) && (if [ ! -z \"\" ]; then          echo \"Overriding kernel config with ''\";          echo  >> /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config;      make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   oldconfig; fi ) && (make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   savedefconfig ) && (if [ ! -z \"\" ]; then           echo \"Using additional config ''\";            kernel/samsung/kminilte/scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m -O /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config kernel/samsung/kminilte/arch/arm/configs/;             make -j4 -C kernel/samsung/kminilte O=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=\" arm-linux-androidkernel-\"   KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=/home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config alldefconfig; fi )"
make: ingresso nella directory "/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte"
  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
  GEN     /home/andrea/android/los16/out/target/product/kminilte/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte/scripts/basic/fixdep.c:106:10: fatal error: sys/types.h: File o directory non esistente
 #include <sys/types.h>
compilation terminated.
scripts/Makefile.host:118: recipe for target 'scripts/basic/fixdep' failed
make[2]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1
/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte/Makefile:414: recipe for target 'scripts_basic' failed
make[1]: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2
Makefile:130: recipe for target 'sub-make' failed
make: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make: uscita dalla directory "/home/andrea/android/los16/kernel/samsung/kminilte"
[  5% 4166/74090] target thumb C++: libwificond_nl <= system/connectivity/wificond/net/netlink_manager.cpp
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
17:51:11 ninja failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (07:00 (mm:ss)) ####

So I'm thinking to wait some time and your builds. Thanks anyway for the help.

Spookcity commented 5 years ago

Very strange. Did you make clean again before your last build? Perhaps try mka bootimage. That may work for whatever reason. Then if so you can just build from there.