Sporif / dxvk-async

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DXVK 2.1 support? #64

Open Patrxgt opened 1 year ago

Patrxgt commented 1 year ago

Can we have async version of DXVK 2.1?

SA64BD commented 1 year ago


Kaptime commented 1 year ago

bump. For what it's worth, if we get a 2.1 version it would probably be the last version, hdr is the only thing really missing.

Blisto91 commented 1 year ago

There is no need to bump the issue. Sporif is aware of the requests for a 2.1 version

dr-nemesis-96 commented 1 year ago


Ph42oN commented 1 year ago

I made updated version of this patch for dxvk 2.1. Changes i did made shader cache work when async is enabled and allows using both async and gpl. Its here: https://gitlab.com/Ph42oN/dxvk-gplasync/

begin-theadventure commented 1 year ago

Changes i did made shader cache work when async is enabled and allows using both async and gpl.

Wow 🤯

Searinox commented 1 year ago

Been using it heavily since it was posted here. At the very least I can say there are no performance issues or graphical bugs. Thank you so much for this!

SA64BD commented 1 year ago

thankuu <3

Zergei commented 1 year ago

I made updated version of this patch for dxvk 2.1. Changes i did made shader cache work when async is enabled and allows using both async and gpl. Its here: https://gitlab.com/Ph42oN/dxvk-gplasync/

sadly your dxvk gives me error in cetain games so ill stick with this one

Ryusennin commented 1 year ago

Please be more precise. Which games don't work with gplasync?

begin-theadventure commented 1 year ago

sadly your dxvk gives me error in cetain games so ill stick with this one

Make logs and create an issue on Ph42oN's GitLab.

Zergei commented 1 year ago

Please be more precise. Which games don't work with gplasync?

well at least for now gplasync gives me an error 0x0000142 in NFS Underground 2. and in World of Warcraft gives an error saying "Failed to find a suitable Device. Exiting Program"

Zergei commented 1 year ago

sadly your dxvk gives me error in cetain games so ill stick with this one

Make logs and create an issue on Ph42oN's GitLab.

if you know how or know about a guide in how to do them pls share if you want ofc

begin-theadventure commented 1 year ago

It depends on which launcher you use.

Ph42oN commented 1 year ago

sadly your dxvk gives me error in cetain games so ill stick with this one

Does it give error even if you disable async?

Also i have released new version of gplasync that supports state cache while gpl is enabled.

Zergei commented 1 year ago

sadly your dxvk gives me error in cetain games so ill stick with this one

Does it give error even if you disable async?

Also i have released new version of gplasync that supports state cache while gpl is enabled.

i wanted to report my issues with your DXVK but i dont know how to make logs out of them because most of the errors happens before the game starts

dirtkiller23 commented 1 year ago

Does anyone know how to compile a native version of GPL-Async? I want to use it in games with DXVK-native

Ryusennin commented 1 year ago

Thanks to Ph42oN for continous support. Version gpl-async 2.2 has been released a few days ago.

JohnnyJosda commented 1 year ago

我为 dxvk 2.1 制作了此补丁的更新版本。我所做的更改使着色器缓存在启用异步时起作用,并允许同时使用异步和 GPL。它在这里:https://gitlab.com/Ph42oN/dxvk-gplasync/

Thank you for having you. I hope you can keep it updated