SpotX-Official / SpotX-Bash

SpotX Mac and Linux adblocker for the Spotify desktop client, in Bash
MIT License
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Asking for password? [macOS] #30

Closed magenata closed 4 months ago

magenata commented 4 months ago

๐Ÿง Have you fully read the README and viewed similar issues?

ะกountry of your account

United States

What is your Spotify Plan?


Do you have Spicetify installed?


โ„น Computer information

- Spotify version: 
- OS: 13.2.1
- Shell: terminal

๐Ÿ“ Description

1.Whenrunning a new install of Spot X it says it needs a password...I have zero passwords on my machine so not sure how to resolve 2. 3. ...

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Terminal Input/Output

% bash <(curl -sSL

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Latest supported version: Detected Spotify version:

Warning: SpotX does not have write permission in Spotify directory. Requesting sudo permission... Password:

๐Ÿ“ธ Screenshots

No response

jetfir3 commented 4 months ago

This is strange, especially for a macOS user. The script is checking for write permission throughout the Spotify app directory and one or more of the directories is reporting that there is no write permission.

It's also strange that there is no password on the machine -- when an app or script requires elevated permissions before proceeding and a user/password or fingerprint box pops up, what do you provide it?

I'm also curious to see the output of the following commands:

  1. me="$(whoami)" && echo $me && dscl . -authonly $me "" && echo $?
  2. ls -ld /Applications/
  3. ls -l /Applications/

You've also stated in this issue template that you've installed Spicetify -- is this correct?

jetfir3 commented 4 months ago

Week with no reply = closing.

This issue seems to come down to: A. User account permissions differ from account which installed -- things may work better if you install the into your /Users/$USER/Applications/ directory instead of the main /Applications directory. If that directory does not yet exist run the following command then drag into that new directory:

mkdir /Users/$USER/Applications/

B. Set a password on your user account and if SpotX-Bash ever requests sudo password again, you can simply enter your password (assuming your account has admin permissions) -- this should be standard practice anyway, regardless of this specific SpotX-Bash issue.

Regardless, whatever oddities are created due to a lack of user password being set and/or lack of permissions... this isn't something which will be fixed or handled by SpotX-Bash -- this is a specific issue on your own device.

If further discussion is required, join the SpotX telegram community linked in the README for easier back-and-forth on this oddity.