SpotX-Official / SpotX-Bash

SpotX Mac and Linux adblocker for the Spotify desktop client, in Bash
MIT License
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Warning: Detected SpotX-Bash but no backup file! Reinstall Spotify. Exiting... #34

Closed Fandyfr closed 4 months ago

Fandyfr commented 4 months ago

🧐 Have you fully read the README and viewed similar issues?

Сountry of your account


What is your Spotify Plan?


Do you have Spicetify installed?


ℹ Computer information

- Spotify version:
- OS: Ubuntu
- Shell: Teriminal

📝 Description

How to Patch non Backup? Force Patch

🖥️ Terminal Input/Output

Searching for Spotify directory...

Found Spotify Directory: /usr/share/spotify

Latest supported version: Detected Spotify version:

✔ Created backup

Warning: Detected SpotX-Bash but no backup file! Reinstall Spotify. Exiting...

📸 Screenshots


jetfir3 commented 4 months ago

Odd... not sure what's going on with your Spotify directory. You also did not share the exact command you used.

Did you just run the following command.. no additional flags?

bash <(curl -sSL

Just as the script output says... the error is caused by SpotX-Bash detecting that the files are already modified by the script yet no backups found (the script will always make backups prior to modification process). Somehow the backups were deleted yet the patched files remained. Uninstalling and/or reinstalling Spotify should have corrected this, allowing SpotX-Bash to then run without issue.

If you wanted to re-patch the app after already running SpotX-Bash on the same Spotify install -- you would use the -f option with the script to force-patch the app (the script would have mentioned this in the error output when you tried to re-patch the previously modified app).


bash <(curl -sSL -f

I would suggest trying the following two commands... this will fully remove the current Spotify directory and then have SpotX-Bash install the latest Spotify deb + patch it afterwards:

  1. sudo rm -rf /usr/share/spotify/
  2. bash <(curl -sSL --installdeb