SpotlightKid / python-rtmidi

Python bindings for the cross-platform MIDI I/O library RtMidi
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Error when installing on Raspberry PI (1.5.5) #176

Closed darkroasted closed 10 months ago

darkroasted commented 10 months ago

First thanks for your great project!

However when I try to install 1.5.5 using pip on my raspberry pi for LedFX then the install fails and provides the following output. Installing version 1.5.2 does not fail. How can i solve this?

Output: × Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [49 lines of output]

SpotlightKid commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the report!

The build backend changed from mesonpep517 to meson-python in version 1.5.3.

Unfortunately meson-python 0.14.0, which in your case apparently was downloaded & used in the build process, changed how it handles the project version in pyproject.toml:

when pyproject.toml does not contain a version field and version is not declared dynamic, raise an error instead of silently using the version declared in

This means we have to add dynamic = ['version'] to pyproject.toml now, when using meson-python >= 0.14.0.

I'll fix this and make a new 1.5.6 release asap. In the meantime, you can continue to use version 1.5.2. The actual library code hasn't changed.

darkroasted commented 10 months ago

Awesome! Thanks for your speedy reply and help!

I'll be looking forward to the merge and the 1.5.6 packet!