SpoturDeal / MMM-Bose-Soundtouch

This module shows the music that is playing in your MagicMirror
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

No nice message when playing via TV #3

Closed bertwest closed 6 years ago

bertwest commented 6 years ago

Hi! A very cool Module! Thanks a lot! I do have a Soundtouch 300 that is connected to a TV. The MMM shows the following in this state:

    Soundtouch - Your help is needed

    Please send me a message with the contents of
    I can add the unknown service.  

Here is what the now_playing file contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><nowPlaying deviceID="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" source="PRODUCT" sourceAccount="TV"><ContentItem source="PRODUCT" sourceAccount="TV" isPresetable="false" /><art artImageStatus="SHOW_DEFAULT_IMAGE" /><playStatus>PLAY_STATE</playStatus></nowPlaying>

I guess and hope this is easy to fix :-)

Best Regards bertwest

SpoturDeal commented 6 years ago

@bertwest I have added a new snipplet to the code the message should be gone now. Best regards


bertwest commented 6 years ago

Looks much better now. Thanks! Bert

SpoturDeal commented 6 years ago

Bose has so much different replies. They are not published so every new device needs to be added.

bertwest commented 6 years ago

Oh. I didn't look into that so far. I just was very pleased that someone had taken some time to develop such a module :smile: But well... What came to my mind when I read your replay was this: I don't know how complicated this would be, but how about exposing this topic to the Module User by making it configurable via the MMM config? That way you (as the programmer) would no longer have to take care of that.