SpoturDeal / MMM-Bose-Soundtouch

This module shows the music that is playing in your MagicMirror
MIT License
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Alexa - unknown Service #4

Closed LSchuetzi84 closed 5 years ago

LSchuetzi84 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am playing music from my Amazon Music Account on Alexa on my Bose Soundtouch via the Alexa Bose Skill and I am getting a message with an unknown service on my MagicMirror: XML is attached. Alexa.txt

SpoturDeal commented 5 years ago

Hello @LSchuetzi84 ,

Just added Alexa, because Alexa is Amazon it will display the Amazon logo



SpoturDeal commented 5 years ago

Thank you

cedcas commented 5 years ago

I believe this is related to the ALEXA issue as well as I'm have the same scenario as Carl. Here's what's in the "*/now_playing" Echo Dot-3N1Echo Dot-3N1STOP_STATE

SpoturDeal commented 5 years ago


If you enter


in your browser

You get a XML file please post that. (remove the IP address not everyone needs to know)

With this files contents I am able to help you.

SpoturDeal commented 5 years ago

No replies from @cedcas and @LSchuetzi84

I am willing to help everyone, but some extra info might be needed to fix the issue. Especially when I am not able to reproduce the error myself

So this issue is closed.

cedcas commented 5 years ago

I have provided the value seen in "http://ipaddress_of_your_soundtouch:8090/now_playing", in my initial comment, which is:

Echo Dot-3N1Echo Dot-3N1STOP_STATE

SpoturDeal commented 5 years ago

Echo Dot-3N1Echo Dot-3N1STOP_STATE is not a reply from BOSE SoundTouch speaker It looks like it is a reply from your Amazon Echo Dot speaker. That is not compatible with BOSE Soundtouch. The BOSE SoundTouch reply with a XML file.

cedcas commented 5 years ago

That is correct, I’m playing my echo dot that’s connected to my Bose SoundTouch. Playing music just on my Bose without echo dot works great, but not when echo dot is in the equation.

By the way, thanks for the great module!