SpringBoardMentor114 / SpendWise

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Backend Registration Features #61

Closed kunaldhondge closed 2 months ago

kunaldhondge commented 2 months ago

I have successfully implemented the backend registration feature as per the requirements provided.

  1. User Registration: Implemented the functionality to register new users.
  2. User Update: Enabled users to update their information partially, including the ability to change email addresses.
  3. User Deletion: Implemented user deletion functionality.
  4. Error Handling: Added error handling for duplicate users.
  5. Validation: Implemented validation checks for first name, last name, email, and password.
  6. Email Address Uniqueness: Ensured that each user's email address is unique to prevent duplicate accounts during registration.
  7. Email Address Update: Implemented functionality to allow users to update their email addresses. This includes validation to prevent conflicts with existing users' email addresses.