SpringCabal / Corruption

LD32 Practice Game on SpringRTS engine
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The original author of tp_FogOfWar.lua was "fuckers" #1

Closed knorker closed 9 years ago

knorker commented 9 years ago

https://github.com/SpringCabal/Corruption/blob/master/LuaUI/Widgets/tp_FogOfWar.lua is an early version of the fog-of-war widget, with as far I can see only slight changes: -vertices coloring is different -Some constants changed like res=75 to res=32 https://github.com/SpringCabal/Corruption/commit/acfd63d575fef50b14d734711c42bd7116f63d28 , etc

The changes are imo small tweaks so it is not fair to remove original author "fuckers" from author field and replace with own name.

gajop commented 9 years ago

Honestly original authors/licence was just nonsense. Maybe the "horses. horses everywhere." licence doesn't ask for attribution? Who knows. Anyway, should've put my name after the original authors though. The changes weren't minor though (in effect), and were based on this: https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=28342&p=524291&hilit=jazcash#p524340 https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=28342&hilit=jazcash&start=20#p524363

knorker commented 9 years ago

Maybe the "horses. horses everywhere." licence doesn't ask for attribution? Who knows.

the rider should know.