SpringtideCollectiveOrg / openhousens.ca

Easily track what's said in Nova Scotia's Legislature
MIT License
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how to output latest speech ('last_speech') by date at homepage #52

Closed illucent closed 8 years ago

illucent commented 8 years ago

hi! can you please code snippet for 'last_speech'.

jpmckinney commented 8 years ago

Have a look at the home method in views.py and the home.html template.

illucent commented 8 years ago

yes i copied form openhousens.ca repo and tested; no results both ways ( /templatetags and views.py ). it is applicable to django.sayit which are almost identical to openhousens the only difference is app name ( not legislature ) http://demo2016.asambleadelosaraucanos.co/

jpmckinney commented 8 years ago

I suggest raising the issue on the SayIt repository: https://github.com/mysociety/sayit

This repository is just meant specifically for the development of the openhousens.ca website, not for support issues.

illucent commented 8 years ago
