SpudManTwo / swordland

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Create Sleep/Energy System #14

Open SpudManTwo opened 8 years ago

SpudManTwo commented 8 years ago

Figure out and receive proposals for the Sleeping Mechanics and the Energy system.

bryce-harrington commented 8 years ago

Hunger and Sleep Deprivation both give unique Exhaustion debuffs, each contributing to the increasing chance of the player passing out while in the field.

-If the debuffs added together exceed a threshold then there is a chance of the character passing out, this chance steadily increases as the debuffs increase above the threshold.

-The Sleep Deprivation debuff would increase at a constant rate and can only be removed through the player sleeping. Sleeping outside of a town is only half as effective and the debuff would not increase while a player is sleeping.

-The Hunger debuff will increase at regular intervals throughout the day and can only be removed by consuming food of some sort with higher quality of food reducing the debuff more than lower quality food.

-Eating food can absolutely not decrease the Sleep Deprivation debuff, nor can sleeping decrease the Hunger debuff.

For instance, the combined threshold is 25%. A player has been awake for 5 hours giving them a 10% Sleep Deprivation debuff (1% every half hour). In that time the player has not eaten at all and has a 20% Hunger debuff (2% every half hour). Total the Exhaustion level is at 30% so the character has a chance of passing out equal to the difference between the threshold and Exhaustion level divided by the difference of 100 and the threshold, times 100. In this case we would have (30-25)/(100-25)= 6.667% chance of passing out. Always rounding down this would be a 6% chance of passing out in the field when trying to make an action.