Spurrya / Calfit

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Skype for business integration through C# #20

Open bhaanu77 opened 8 years ago

bhaanu77 commented 8 years ago

Goal: Get the presence (availability status e.g. Busy/ free / away) information from Skype for business online server using C# code.


  1. Subscribe for the presence of one user (we do not want to restrict to just one user explicityly, if system gives for all users, let it give)
  2. Whenever user's status changes, make a GET request to a namesake url (because POST API is not yet ready) like http://calfit.azurewebsites.net/api/users?username=bhaanu@yofit1.onmicrosoft.com&status=Busy

Once the real API is ready on nodejs server, the GET request above should be replaced with a POST request using REST API on calfit server with something like http://calfit.azurewebsites.net/api/im-status and body parameters "username:bhaanu@yofit1.onmicrosoft.com", "status:Busy"

3) Subscribe for the presence info of all users in the skype for business. 4) For all users repeat step-2

azure tenant where C# .Net server need to be installed (perhaps there is a ready made pack of .Net server with visual studio online in kudu?) - https://portal.azure.com username: bhaanu@yofit1.onmicrosoft.com password: S1ngapore

You can login in to office 365 (Skype for business online) by downloading a "Skype for Business" client application or "Lync 2013" client app to your laptop and with following credentials:

username: bhaanu@yofit1.onmicrosoft.com password: S1ngapore

# example code in C# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj937284.aspx overview ## documentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj937254.aspx Event driven code in Lync SDK - https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/jj937285.aspx Get started with Lync 2013 SDK - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj933215.aspx Skype for Business online service description - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj822172.aspx

@Spurrya if your friend prefers C# he can take this issue