Spuute / patric-bergkvist-web-project

This is the end project in the frontend webdevelopment course.
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Is my structure correct? #24

Closed Spuute closed 3 years ago

Spuute commented 3 years ago

I asked you yesterday if my structure is correct. @gustavnyberg

gustavnyberg commented 3 years ago

@Spuute I will have a look at it tomorrow!

gustavnyberg commented 3 years ago


Everything look great! Your logbook is a textbook example and so is your issue tracking, board and development process.

I would say that you could add a Backlog swim lane to your board to better visualize whatever is in the pipe for the future and for the next upcoming sprint.

The structure and architecture is also great with separation in different files and folders.

The one big thing that I have to come down on are tour commits. They are way to big, doesn't have a logic relation to each other and there content, and the commit comments/descriptions as way to short, generic and ambiguous, that is easy for me as an outside stakeholder or even your fellow developer colleague.

I haven't been able to go through the code in detail. Love the convertToWeather-function though! 😂 There isn't any prettier way writing it, I guess. For sure miss the nice new switch and lamdas from C#. 😅

You will go through your code in your video pitch and if anything is unclear after that I will simply sit down and have a simple video/voice conversation about it to sort things out in order for you to achieve what you are aiming for!

You are all aligned with the requirements for VG, do now it is all about keeping it together and keep up all the good work to and across the finish line and give the customer hell of a project pitch!

Given that I am pretty sure that our boss will give you both the promotion and that raise that comes with it!

Well done!

Do you feel like you know where you stand and what to do these last thrilling hours of the Project?