Spydr06 / xcorners

A small utility for drawing rounded screen corners on X11
MIT License
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dosent work - fully black screen #1

Closed mutageneral closed 4 months ago

mutageneral commented 4 months ago

When I run ./xcorners all my screens turn fully black and the program says unhandled event: 65 in the terminal.

Spydr06 commented 4 months ago

You need a compositor to get it to work. Sry I didn't specify it in the readme

Spydr06 commented 4 months ago

I added a note in the README in debaacd, closing this for now. If you still have issues, please open another issue.

mutageneral commented 4 months ago

with the compositor on, all my screen become blurry I added rule for xconrers:

  "class_g = 'xcorners'",

but there is only one black corner in the top left of my monitor on the left dose the program support showing the 4 corners on each screens?

Spydr06 commented 4 months ago

Yes it does using the -b flag, look at the --help output.

If you have more than one monitor, you'll have to set the offset and size yourself. If you want corners on each monitor, just use multiple instances.