In the latest dataframe we have an implementation of data types. A dataframe knows the types of the columns. We should document that.
Some infos we can document:
We can ask the types of the datas by sending #dataTypes.
It takes the least common super class of the datas to find the type (for example if datas are SmallInteger and LargePositiveInteger, then the datatype will be Integer).
Nils are not taken into account, except if the column only contains nils, then the type is UndefinedObject
If we cannot determine the type of an column because it is only strings, the type will be Object (if someone wants to type to be a String, the user needs to gite the type explicitly)
In the latest dataframe we have an implementation of data types. A dataframe knows the types of the columns. We should document that.
Some infos we can document:
We can ask the types of the datas by sending #dataTypes.
It takes the least common super class of the datas to find the type (for example if datas are SmallInteger and LargePositiveInteger, then the datatype will be Integer).
Nils are not taken into account, except if the column only contains nils, then the type is UndefinedObject
If we cannot determine the type of an column because it is only strings, the type will be Object (if someone wants to type to be a String, the user needs to gite the type explicitly)