SquareBracketAssociates / Booklet-uFFI

about the new Unified FFI frameworks
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little beauty flaw P25 #27

Open DiagProf opened 4 years ago

DiagProf commented 4 years ago

Space between * and malloc

//here it is without The C declaration of such function reads as follows (from the libc manual): void *malloc( size_t size );

//and here with To create a uFFI binding to it, we only need to copy-paste the declaration as follows: FFITutorial class >> malloc: aSize [ ^ self ffiCall: #( void * malloc ( size_t aSize ) ) library: LibC ]

//that led me to the assumption that a space must be inserted for in case of Pointer-Marshalling //I know better now, of course, but it was my first thought. :-)

bencoman commented 4 years ago

hi DiagProf, Thanks for taking the time to log an issue to improve the documentation.
Now a PR would be even better :) (I'm not too familiar with the book and its not clear where in the book you are referencing. A PR would put it more in context and be easier to action.) cheers -ben

DiagProf commented 4 years ago

Hi Pen, yes you are right, only P25 is maybe a bit short. :-) I mean page 25 in PDF. Under the headline "Obtaining an ExternalAddress" . cheers digprof