@commitinworkflow@*). Pharo complicates this situation a little, which is why we use Iceberg. In a nutshell, Pharo classes and methods are objects that get modified on the fly. When you modify a class source code, the Git working copy is not automatically modified. It is as though you have two working copies: the object one in your image, and the Git-file based one. Iceberg is here to help you synchronize and manage them both.
![Git: A distributed versioning system. % width=75&anchor=commitinworkflow](figures/commit_in_workflow.pdf)
is working
@commit_in_workflow@*). Pharo complicates this situation a little, which is why we use Iceberg. In a nutshell, Pharo classes and methods are objects that get modified on the fly. When you modify a class source code, the Git working copy is not automatically modified. It is as though you have two working copies: the object one in your image, and the Git-file based one. Iceberg is here to help you synchronize and manage them both.
![Git: A distributed versioning system. % width=75&anchor=commit_in_workflow](figures/commit_in_workflow.pdf)
is working while
is not
reports an error (with the latest dev version).