SquareBracketAssociates / NewPharoByExample9

The PharoByExample9 repository since to have a broken history. Now the book versioning is moved to this repository to get work done.
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Chapter 18 #4

Open mr-Serg opened 2 years ago

mr-Serg commented 2 years ago

p. 266-267 Errors: "self bounds: (Rectangle origin: 10@10 corner: 300@300)" >>> Instance of SpWindowPresenter did not understand #bounds. Should be "self adapter widget bounds: (Rectangle origin: 30@30 corner: 300@300)". "...as shown in Figure 18-2" - but the Figure shows the next code snipet with reflective access.

p. 267 Questions:

p. 268 Question: "The following code snippet shows how to display the values..." - but it shows how to collect Associations{varName->value}, i.e how to build a Dictionary - this is more than simple "to display"

p. 270 Question: "the receiver has a method whose selector..." - what does it mean in fact? There is a method defined in own class, or we talk about own or inherited one? I would like to say "the receiver understands the message"

p. 273 Error: "Point allCallsOn returns all messages sent explicitly to Point as a receiver." It returns not "messages sent to Point" (i.e. methods of Point), but "selectors of methods of different classes wich have sending to Point in their bodies".

p. 274 Figure 18-4 is outdated. Today inspector on a dictionary inspects values not associations, so we have not the third column.

p. 277 A complete disappointment: the code snippets do not work! The first one "((RBBrowserEnvironment new forClasses: (Collection withAllSubclasses)) selectMethods: [:method | method sendsToSuper]) browse." opens the class browser. RBBrowserEnvironment has not the method browse, so it works as general: opens the browser on CLASS not on the result of the query. The second one is incomplete. Should be "methods" instead of "browse". Or not?

p. 279 Question "Sending the message allNamed:in: to the class Pragma, we can identify the methods defining a particular pragma." - How is it possible? How can we identify somethig looking at "an Array( )"?

p. 282 typo "Starting from thisContext, haltIfCallChainContains:" should be "haltIfCallChain:contains:"

p. 283 Question "our proxy to inherit around 450 methods (!) from Object" Hmm, 479 is around 450. Ok. But 479 is closer to 500 :) May be "to inherit more 470 methods"?

p. 284

p. 285 typo "point rectangle: (3@4) >>> 1@2 corner: 3@4" should be ">>> (1@2) corner: (3@4)"

p. 286 typo "In case the original message sent does not correspond to and instance" --> and?