SquaredTiki / Dringend-Issues

Public issue tracker for the Dringend app, an iPad dev environment
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Build Error #43

Closed mbcoder17 closed 10 years ago

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

When I try to build an app I get this UIAlertView:

Initiating build failed An error occurred whilst attempting to initiate the build process with the build server, the error is as follows: Read-operation timed out

Any ideas?

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

This may relate to #39. Does restarting The Constructor make any difference?

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

Nope, still getting the same error :(

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

Are you building a template project or your own project? If your own does it normally take longer than 30 seconds to build on your Mac?

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

I just created a new template project within the app and built it

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

Can you check that on your Mac in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall > Firewall Options that The Constructor has the option 'Allow incoming connections' beside it.

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

Yes, that option is checked

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

Interesting. What is the model of the Mac that is acting as the build server?

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

I believe it is a 2009 MacBook Pro. Do you need more specific info?

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

I believe this may be the same problem as described in #39. That being that if the project takes longer than 30 seconds to build on the build server the connection times out. One way to test this is to export the template project and build it on your Mac and see how long it takes to build. Either way the issue described will be fixed in the next update. I apologize for the current issues.

mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

I will try that and let you know what happens. Thank you for the quick replies, I look forward to the next update!

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago


mbcoder17 commented 10 years ago

So I just built it on my Mac and it took way longer than 30 seconds, hopefully it is the issue you are referring to. When do you think the next update will be out?

SquaredTiki commented 10 years ago

If that's the case then it most likely is so I will close this one as a duplicate for now. This issue (#39) is the last thing to fix for the update, then there'll be a brief beta testing period followed by submittal to the App Store which all going well should be next week.