SquaredTiki / Dringend-Issues

Public issue tracker for the Dringend app, an iPad dev environment
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Builds, but Run doesn't seem to do anything #93

Closed dougbeal closed 8 years ago

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

I can build my project:

2/22/15 12:51:46.813 PM The Constructor[31047]: ***-----|Dispatch operation|-----***
2/22/15 12:51:46.813 PM The Constructor[31047]: Number of operations: 1, operations array count: 1, maximum concurrent: 4
2/22/15 12:51:46.821 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Project zip file successfully saved to: /Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/7948622B-5F45-499A-850D-108F920BB8AF/ZippedProject.zip
2/22/15 12:51:50.536 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Building project located in directory: /Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/7948622B-5F45-499A-850D-108F920BB8AF
2/22/15 12:51:50.540 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Building project
2/22/15 12:52:19.961 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Build complete, success? Yes!
2/22/15 12:52:19.962 PM The Constructor[31047]: Return--> Number of operations: 0, operations array count: 0, maximum concurrent: 4
2/22/15 12:52:19.968 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Deleting project working directory (/Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/7948622B-5F45-499A-850D-108F920BB8AF) on build completion
2/22/15 12:52:20.290 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 433
2/22/15 12:52:20.290 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 0
2/22/15 12:52:20.788 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did disconnect from socket

but clicking run doesn't seem to do anything. I did Check the don't show again warning.

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

When you tap run, does the number next to the eye in The Constructor increase and does it say 'Compiling...' in the navigation bar in Dringend?

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

Nope, only the build button seems to do anything.

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

Interesting, is it a project or a workspace you are trying to run? If the former does the project contain both schemes for Mac and iOS apps? Sorry for the multiple questions, just trying to identify a possible cause for this.

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

Its a workspace. It has a framework that is a git submodule.

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

It appears that under certain circumstances running a workspace scheme is erroneously disabled (not visibly so however), this is something I believe I've now fixed for the next update however I would be very grateful if you would be able to beta test this and confirm it solves your issue? My apologies for the inconvenience this bug has caused you

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

Certainly. Are you using Test Flight?

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

Indeed, so just an email address is required. The build is in beta app review as we speak.

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

Send you an email.

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

Excellent, I've added you as a tester and the beta should be available in the next few days.

dougbeal commented 9 years ago


I installed the beta. I get an exporting project error.

SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

You should be able to see the exact cause in Console.app on the Mac acting as build host. After you've tapped build and run in Dringend, keep an eye out for a log/message beginning with <Builder> Export output:. The output should describe a more precise cause as to why exporting failed.

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

I will examine the logs once I'm back at my desk.

dougbeal commented 9 years ago

Is there a setting to keep the build directory around to see if it actually successed?

2/25/15 12:58:26.560 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Writing to socket that transmission was received
2/25/15 12:58:26.560 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 32
2/25/15 12:58:26.561 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 0
2/25/15 12:58:26.722 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did read project data from socket
2/25/15 12:58:26.722 PM The Constructor[31047]: Number of operations: 1, operations array count: 1, maximum concurrent: 4
2/25/15 12:58:26.723 PM The Constructor[31047]: ***-----|Dispatch operation|-----***
2/25/15 12:58:26.729 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Project zip file successfully saved to: /Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/E931B73C-3ADD-43D5-8955-723D1A5FEFB3/ZippedProject.zip
2/25/15 12:58:27.304 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archiving and exporting project located in directory: /Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/E931B73C-3ADD-43D5-8955-723D1A5FEFB3
2/25/15 12:58:27.304 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive & export: Beginning archive
2/25/15 12:58:27.305 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Building project
2/25/15 12:58:28.797 PM xcodebuild[47859]: [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /SourceCache/IDEFrameworks/IDEFrameworks-6611/IDEFoundation/SourceControl/Model/IDESourceControlManager.m:423
Details:  Error Domain=com.apple.dt.IDESourceControlErrorDomain Code=-1 "Missing extension: public.vcs.subversion" UserInfo=0x7fc46a4098b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Missing extension: public.vcs.subversion}
Object:   <IDESourceControlManager: 0x7fc46a3d0240>
Method:   -loadRepositories
Thread:   <NSThread: 0x7fc468c2e190>{number = 1, name = main}
Please file a bug at http://bugreport.apple.com with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
2/25/15 12:58:50.362 PM lsregister[47915]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
2/25/15 12:58:50.363 PM lsregister[47915]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
2/25/15 12:59:34.548 PM ibtoold[48010]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.548 PM ibtoold[48011]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.548 PM ibtoold[48011]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.549 PM ibtoold[48011]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.549 PM ibtoold[48010]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.549 PM ibtoold[48010]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
2/25/15 12:59:34.550 PM ibtoold[48010]: Invalid Connection ID 0
2/25/15 12:59:34.550 PM ibtoold[48011]: Invalid Connection ID 0
2/25/15 12:59:34.798 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
2/25/15 12:59:35.181 PM Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[48013]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_VNODE] add: "Bad file descriptor" - 0x9
2/25/15 12:59:35.218 PM Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[48013]: assertion failed: 14C109: libxpc.dylib + 29453 [464E62EA-4CF2-3FEF-9C17-692AD8D66AA8]: 0x8d
2/25/15 12:59:45.538 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive & export: Archive complete, success? Yes!
2/25/15 12:59:46.170 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive output: User defaults from command line:
    IDEArchivePathOverride = /Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/E931B73C-3ADD-43D5-8955-723D1A5FEFB3/Archive.xcarchive

Build settings from command line:
    CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Developer: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

=== BUILD TARGET Cartography-iOS OF PROJECT Cartography WITH CONFIGURATION Release ===
2/25/15 12:59:47.426 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive & export: Beginning export
2/25/15 12:59:47.455 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Building project
2/25/15 12:59:49.104 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive & export: Export complete, success? Nope
2/25/15 12:59:49.105 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Export output: ** EXPORT FAILED **
2/25/15 12:59:49.107 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Archive and export complete, exported to: (null)
2/25/15 12:59:49.107 PM The Constructor[31047]: Return--> Number of operations: 0, operations array count: 0, maximum concurrent: 4
2/25/15 12:59:49.184 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> Deleting project working directory (/Users/dougbeal/Library/Application Support/The Constructor/E931B73C-3ADD-43D5-8955-723D1A5FEFB3) on build completion
2/25/15 12:59:50.348 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 433
2/25/15 12:59:50.349 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did send data with tag 0
2/25/15 12:59:50.821 PM The Constructor[31047]: <Builder> did disconnect from socket
SquaredTiki commented 9 years ago

Interesting, it may be that the error itself was written to stderr rather than standard output. It is indeed possible to keep the build directory around so you can test it yourself from Xcode/xcodebuild (which would be very helpful to diagnose the issue), to do that just execute the following command in Terminal:

defaults write com.squaredtiki.The-Constructor KeepProjectWorkingDirectory -boolean YES