SqueeG / awesomeTome

A compilation of Gaming Den DnD 3.X changes. Started by Frank and K.
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A Next Edition, too #12

Open SqueeG opened 11 years ago

SqueeG commented 11 years ago

So I've noticed that a lot of us are itching for substantial changes as well as a simple Tome compilation.

Substantial changes, or a new edition, require a lot of prep discussion and theorycrafting as we are probably all aware of.

It seems like most of us have a lot of overlap in what we'd like to see in a new edition.

So would it be feasible to discuss plans for a New Edition while we are still focused on putting together the Tome compilation?

It already seems like there is a lot of synergy between the two... so I figured I'd make a discussion out of it.

ExplosiveRunes commented 11 years ago

I sort of thought that's what we were doing already. We, for the most part, know what we need to do to simply complete the pdf srd style, but we're throwing out big ideas for when we reach that point and go beyond it.

SqueeG commented 11 years ago

I just prefer to not assume and I just wanted to make sure at least I was on the same page.

I dedinitely like your summation of things though, Sigil.

Tarkisflux commented 11 years ago

I think there's less synergy than there seems to be. There's a lot of things that people want, but not a lot of things that people have agreed upon or seem willing to put the work in on. For example, any new edition I want to spend my time on has the following things: revised number scaling (5/4, 4/4, or 3/4); uses ToP style skills; uses non-scaling spell effects with scaling costs; has a stronger spell separation between druid, cleric, and wizard; has either no multiclassing, 4 level chunk multiclassing like dungeon crusade, or gestalt multi-classing; gives you 3 scaling feat slots up front and no more as you level (that you do different things with); passes out standard feats as quest rewards like equipment; incorporates some measure of success mechanics into combat in place of crits; contains rules for forming groups of units to boost their numbers and simplify fights vs lots of creatures; contains a revised size scaling system so that shadow of the colossus style climb and stab fights happen; and generally functions under the assumption that epic starts at 13 where you can explicitly and within the mechanics slay armies of low level guys and around 18 you're beating up Zeus with your party (fair fight style, not bullshit god of war style).

And that's a whole lot of work to do, even after I convince people that they should also want that style of game. Having a completed Tome SRD doesn't help with that in most cases because of the number of rewrites and adjustments I'm looking at. Lots of work is lots of work.