SqueeG / awesomeTome

A compilation of Gaming Den DnD 3.X changes. Started by Frank and K.
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Class Surveys #19

Open Tarkisflux opened 10 years ago

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

While working on the paladin I said I'd do, I realized that I might be doing a bunch of work for no reason. Since we're trying to make a SRD / Tome composite that is accepted by the Den (in so far as they accept anything as a whole really), I thought we might benefit from poling them as to the most acceptable form of the Bard, Ranger, and Paladin. So I was thinking about putting a few polls up to gauge things, these look focused enough to get useful data in addition to normal shit flinging

Anyway, the polls:

Pick your favorite Bard:

Pick your favorite Paladin:

Pick your favorite Ranger:

The following generic options would be appended to each one for completeness:

If there are objections to my putting this up or any strong opinions on inclussion as the official replacement I won't bother with it (because I care more about pleasing people putting in work than people who aren't). So please let me know those things. Most of these will probably fall into a classplosion / ACF appendix sooner or later anyway though, just not be the 'official' replacement in the TRD.

SqueeG commented 10 years ago

Can't hurt to try. We'll probably get a 1:30 feedback to flame ratio.

But that's normal. :p

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Oh, also Sorcerer may as well get polled too:

Pick your favorite Sorcerer:

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Well, there's no point in checking if there's a strong opinion here. I want contributors to get what they want when it makes sense and doesn't conflict with scope or other contributor positions, because it combats burnout and whatnot.

So I'll assume that you don't have a strong preference so much as you want to make something with classes others like @SqueeG, and wait a bit to see if anyone else does.

SqueeG commented 10 years ago

Yea, admittedly I'm not he strongest at class balance determination.

I know what I find fun to _play_, but I definitely have not played all the variants. Considering when you search the wiki... there are a lot of options.

Tg cid's ranger looks pretty sweet. I don't mind rangers being awesome. :)

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Planning on putting the first of these up, the Ranger, tomorrow if no one has a strong opinion before that.

SqueeG commented 10 years ago

Have at it, good sir.

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Gah. Fuck my brain and cold meds. Guess we're doing bard first then after all.

Dragonexx commented 10 years ago

I'd vote for TGCid's Ranger. I've played one several times, and I can attest to how good and fun they are.

ExplosiveRunes commented 10 years ago

Not voting, but I will say I've had players use ZERO's ranger in Tome games and it seemed fun and beginner friendly. I have not tried any of the others, hence no vote.

Lokathor commented 10 years ago


I vote for this sorcerer

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Quantumboost finished that one actually. It's the one linked above, and I also prefer it.

SqueeG commented 10 years ago

At a cursory glance, considering it's finished, QuantumBoost's sorceror looks nearly perfect as a SRD replacement.

ExplosiveRunes commented 10 years ago

After looking at it, I really like the QuantmBoost sorcerer. I'll format it this one this weekend if no one else has.

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Sure, have at. I'll skip on the Sorcerer poll since we're set on that one. I've already PMed Quantumboost about licensing the sorcerer.

I think the Bard thing has wound down as well, with the final tally being a vote for Cid's Bard. Cid has provided blanket authorization for us to OGL any of his wiki material, so if you wanted to code that one up as well have at. I do have a strong preference for the Bard to have 6th level casting instead of 9th though, and would like to tweak a few things downward in the class if there are no objections.


SqueeG commented 10 years ago

What about granting select 7/8/9 spells as class abilities?

Tarkisflux commented 10 years ago

Sure, that seems pretty reasonable. We'd need a few more class features anyway if I did a downgrading of the casting. Scintilating pattern, irresistible dance, and repulsion seem pretty good fits for class features (not performance styles though, because of the selection mechanics). Bind thrall too maybe (which I wrote and will license if we want it included). The rest not so much I think.

SqueeG commented 10 years ago

Yea it just struck me that... it's a 20 level class and there are still a couple of bard-like spells in the 7-9 range. Figured that might be a compromise, I'm glad it doesn't sound like I was smoking crack.