SquidDev-CC / CCTweaks

Random additions to ComputerCraft (somewhat deprecated, use CC-Tweaked if you're on Minecraft 1.12).
MIT License
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Computer vanishes on right click #148

Closed JomerDev closed 7 years ago

JomerDev commented 7 years ago

MC 1.10.2 CC 1.80pr0 CCTweaks 1.3.1 Unborked 1.0.5

When I try to rightclick a advanced CC Computer it just vanishes. Once it also turned into the block I had in my hand (some wood) on a right click.

Log: https://hastebin.com/ecevaperek.vbs

JomerDev commented 7 years ago

After some more testing, it seems this only happens in Multiplayer, not in Singleplayer

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Ugghr, what one earth? It says BlockGeneric.getDefaultBlockState isn't defined but it evidently is.

Can you enable testing.dumpAsm in the CCTweaks config file, run it, and zip up the asm/cctweaks folder in the server directory.

I'm not sure that is the full server log: if possible, can you find the larger one - just so I can see version numbers, file names, etc... of other mods. Thanks.

JomerDev commented 7 years ago

https://puu.sh/ugvJZ/626ce50d03.zip Here is a zip with the cctweaks folder and all the logs I could find

Thank you for beeing so fast :D

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Urrhgr. Right, I've been totally unable to reproduce. I'll do some more digging and see if methods are getting incorrectly (de)obfuscated or something. If this happens again (or is a routine occurrence), can you let me know.

Thanks, sorry about this all.

JomerDev commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry, but this is a routine occurrence. This did occur everytime I tried to right click a computer in multiplayer. I can try and redownload computercraft and unborked again, in the hopes of it changing something, but I doubt it

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Right, I will try to recreate again on my end. Would it be possible to try with just ComputerCraft and Unborked, (and then CCTweaks if it doesn't occur)? I doubt another mod is causing problems but I'd like to check.


JomerDev commented 7 years ago

I got the exact same error with only CC and unborked

Edit: But I could open the computer with only CC

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Uggghr. I've, as far as I can tell, recreated your setup: Unborked 1.0.5, CC 1.80pr0 and MinecraftForge, yet still cannot reproduce. Do you happen to know if FTBserver-1.10.2- is different to MinecraftForge's default server?

If you haven't already (not sure if you created a fresh setup or not above), could you try with a fresh install of MinecraftForge?

Really sorry about this, this is really weird.

JomerDev commented 7 years ago

I will try it as soon as I have the time to do so

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

@Nathan1852 Have you had a chance to try this again?