SquidDev-CC / CCTweaks

Random additions to ComputerCraft (somewhat deprecated, use CC-Tweaked if you're on Minecraft 1.12).
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Error mounting lua/rom #152

Closed Enclave2020 closed 7 years ago

Enclave2020 commented 7 years ago

Sorry me for post in wrong section I installed unborked-1.10.2-1.80pr0-1.0.5 and ComputerCraft1.80pr0. Single-player works fine. In multiplayer I get error on all computers (include that just created) "Error mounting lua/rom" What I should do to fix this?

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Hrrmm, weird. This is something I haven't seen before, suggesting a mod interaction issue or a corrupted ComputerCraft download.

Can you first try a reinstall of ComputerCraft and, if that doesn't help, can you attach your logs and mod list (with version numbers)? Thanks.

Enclave2020 commented 7 years ago

I removed server map and mods. Then redownloaded Unborked & CC. Still get same error. Here is log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_ETpLG891bzNGZ6SEdpY29QLUE/view?usp=drivesdk

Enclave2020 commented 7 years ago

Fixed! All problem was in "!" in the server path. Sounds strange but it is

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Ahhhh. That kinda makes sense: ! is used in Java to separate the path to a .jar file and it's contents. This means CC was getting confused with ! and looking outside it's .jar for the rom files. Thanks for clearing things up 😄, sorry I couldn't be of more help.