SquidDev-CC / CCTweaks

Random additions to ComputerCraft (somewhat deprecated, use CC-Tweaked if you're on Minecraft 1.12).
MIT License
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Furnaces are weird AF #155

Closed roger109z closed 7 years ago

roger109z commented 7 years ago

So I made a program to manipulate items into and out of furnaces and it makes furnaces into those bugged always on furnaces when I run it, it only happens when I use my program though it doesn't happen when I use the Lua command line to do the exact same thing. pastebin for the code: t5uGQ3AK if you want to use it it requires a bit of manual set up ( I haven't gotten around to making an installer yet) output: where smelted items go itemInput: where smeltable items go into the system coalInput: where coal is put into the system itmBlk: how many items your item can smelt (you can just leave it alone) you need all of the inputs and the output connected via a wired network and some furnaces connected to the same wired network along with the computer (should work with basic computers) then just run it and put coal and cobblestone or something in and it should break the furnaces and error: the block has changed or something. Edit: I'm using Plethora for item manipulation I realized after I posted this that I put it on the wrong thing

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

Plethora, not CCTweaks. I'll copy it across.