If the configured backup-target happens to be unavailable, the "Apply"-Button stays disabled, so that the cannot be disabled.
If backup runs without something mounted at the configured backup-target's path, the appdata-backup will fill up the system memory, which implies lots of further problems.
Overwrite the configured backup-target's path with something, that is available, so that the "Apply"-Button becomes enabled, so that schedule can be disabled.
Seems to be invalid or already fixed, as the described steps are working: Regardless of the target, as soon as I change the schedule, the Apply buttons enables. The tested target does not exist in that case.
Cause: If the configured backup-target happens to be unavailable, the "Apply"-Button stays disabled, so that the cannot be disabled.
Effect: If backup runs without something mounted at the configured backup-target's path, the appdata-backup will fill up the system memory, which implies lots of further problems.
Workaround: Overwrite the configured backup-target's path with something, that is available, so that the "Apply"-Button becomes enabled, so that schedule can be disabled.