Squirrel / Squirrel.Mac

:shipit: Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps :shipit:
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Why should I privilege by prompt "An update is ready to install."? #263

Open mqliutie opened 2 years ago

mqliutie commented 2 years ago

Using electron to update my.app the prompt will be shown.

Beacuse I am a frontend developer, I don't know the code written by OC or C++.

I have searched the check writable code

NSURL *targetURL = NSRunningApplication.currentApplication.bundleURL;

BOOL targetWritable = [self canWriteToURL:targetURL];
BOOL parentWritable = [self canWriteToURL:targetURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];

That means targetWritable or parentWritable is false.

Assuming that my App is in Applications folder named Super built by electron.

I want to know which directory is not writable.
