Squirrel / Squirrel.Windows

An installation and update framework for Windows desktop apps
MIT License
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35 Gig of files in SquirrelTemp #1846

Closed jaywalker291 closed 1 year ago

jaywalker291 commented 1 year ago

Can I manually delete this folder's contents without it breaking anything? I am not happy to find this today on my work laptop, which has a 250 gig SSD drive, so obviously I can't spare 35 gigs for whatever this is.

No idea what Squirrel is, but not a fan. Edit - the application causing this appears to be Github Desktop, as mentioned by others. It's not really up to me to help Github fix their application. Surely they know this is happening but likely don't care.


anaisbetts commented 1 year ago

Yes you can, but before you do, you should look what app is using all that space and report it as a bug to them, because they're Doing Something Wrong, almost certainly closing themselves while an update is in progress

jaywalker291 commented 1 year ago

The app causing it is Github Desktop, but I would argue the blame should be shared between the two apps causing the problem.

I just noticed in their release notes under January 25th 2023 they have listed the following fix: "Prevent closing GitHub Desktop while it's being updated"

Hopefully that fix will stop this madness.

anaisbetts commented 1 year ago

but I would argue the blame should be shared between the two apps causing the problem.

Well I wouldn't!