Sranshaft / skin.immersive

A skin for Kodi using Microsoft's Universal Windows Application design guidelines
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Background fanart not bein shown since update to 13.1 #73

Closed michaelfeihstel closed 10 years ago

michaelfeihstel commented 10 years ago

I just upgraded XBMC to version 13.1 and grabbed a fresh clone of this very branch. While initially everything worked fine and fanart was used as background when available, one or two starts later the skin wouldn't show fanart backgrounds any longer, leaving me with a plain black background. I checked the skin's settings and also made sure that the items in question indeed have fanart - both is true. Then I refreshed one of these items and downloaded new fanart for it.

None of the above fixed the issue. I can only assume that this related to your skin as fanart is in fact available and works in other skins - as mentioned before the issue didn't occur immediately after the update though.

I didn't find any open or closed issues related to this, which is why I opened this one. Do you need anything else to narrow it down?

Sranshaft commented 10 years ago

A debug log might help narrow done the issue. While it may be skin related I have to mention that I haven't had this happen to me. Fanart works as expected here and I use Immersive every day.

It may be skin setting has changed for what ever reason though I know you said you checked this already. Just to be sure, please go to Settings > Personalize > Visuals and make sure 'Use fanart as background when available' is enabled.

michaelfeihstel commented 10 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me. Since I also experienced other smaller issues with my muisc library I went ahead and removed my sources and re-scanned everyhing, which fixed the issue. So whatever it was, it's probably not related to your skin directly. It's also been a while since I updated both xbmc and skin.impressive - so maybe it's just a side-effect of those rather large updates (for me). I'll close this.

michaelfeihstel commented 10 years ago

OK, it turns out there was a simple misunderstanding of the settings the skin provides. I'm just posting this in case anyone with the same issue comes across this ticket: It took me very long to notice that Fanart was missing only when music was playing, which immediately led me to check the visualizer settings. I used these skin settings.

What happened was that the skin opted to show me the solid black visualizer due to choosing "none" and not disabling the show visualizer in background option when playing music. I read the "none" option as "don't deal with a visualizer at all" and not as "just display a plain black background". Long story short: I just set disable visualizer in background to true and everything works as expected now.

If this is a skin related behaviour you might want to consider not using the visualizer at all when none is selected, thereby rendering the second option in the list above meaningless (as I would have expected), but I guess this is handled by XBMC instead of the skin.